Philip Kotler Website: http://www.kotlermarketing.com/
Dr. Philip Kotler adalah S.C. Johnson & Son Distinguisher Professor of International Marketing di Northwerstern University of Kellogg Graduate School of Management in Chicago. Dia dipuji oleh Management Centre Europe sebagai �seorang yang paling ahli dalam strategic marketing di dunia�. Ia telah mengarang berbagai buku yang terkenal di bidang marketing: Kotler on Marketing; Lateral Marketing; Strategic Marketing for Non-Profits; Marketing for Healthcare Organizations; Marketing Professional Services; Marketing From A to Z; The 10 Deadly Marketing Sins; Marketing Moves; Marketing places; the Marketing of Nations; and Social Marketing.
Beberapa buku yang pernah ditulis oleh Philip Kotler:

| From Bubble to Sustainable Economy oleh Hermawan Kartajaya & Philip Kotler The authors have combined their expertise and insight to write a book that cuts through the confusion and misinformation about Asia to provide an invaluable guide to local and global companies who want to succeed in this key world region. If you can read only two books about Asia, read this book ... [selengkapnya]
| Sustainable Market-ing Enterprise in Asia oleh Philip Kotler; Hermawan Kartajaya; Hooi Den Huan; Sandra Liu The objective of this book is to offer a fresh perspective to entrepreneurs and business managers on understanding how successful business strategies are crafted and how such enterprises are managed in Asia. Steering away from the conventional approach of most textbooks on Asian business, the scope ... [selengkapnya]