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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Paul R. Dittmer, J. Desmond Keefe"
Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 books)


oleh Paul R. Dittmer, J. Desmond Keefe
*** Out of Print ***
Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labor Cost Controls, Eighth Edition is the essential text for understanding the ins and outs of controlling food, labor, and beverage costs. It comes accompanied by ProMgmt Student Workbook, which allows students to obtain a certificate from the National ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Paul R. Dittmer, J. Desmond, III Keefe
*** Out of Print ***
Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labor Cost Controls, Eighth Edition is the essential text for understanding the ins and outs of controlling food, labor, and beverage costs. It comes accompanied by ProMgmt Student Workbook, which allows students to obtain a certificate from the National ...  [selengkapnya]

Aku Jujur
Kalo CINTA itu sebenarnya INDAH, tergantung gimana cara elo ngeliatnya. Meski elo dibikin nangis olehnya, tapi suatu saat nanti elo akan sadar. ...   
