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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Hill and Wang"
Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 books)


oleh David J. Silbey
*** Out of Print ***
It has been termed an insurgency, a revolution, a guerrilla war, and a conventional war. As David J. Silbey demonstrates in this taut, compelling history, the 1899 Philippine-American War was in fact all of these. Played out over three distinct conflicts—one fought between the ...  [selengkapnya]


Competition: The Birth of a New Science  - Hard Cover - 2007-10-07
oleh James Case
*** Out of Print ***
The Mathematical Theory of Games Sheds Light On A Wide Range of Competitive Activities

What do chess-playing computer programs, biological evolution, competitive sports, gambling, alternative voting systems, public auctions, corporate globalization, and class warfare ...  [selengkapnya]


Dawn  - Paperback - 2006-03-21
oleh Elie Wiesel
*** Out of Print ***
“The author…has built knowledge into artistic fiction.”—The New York Times Book Review

Elisha is a young Jewish man, a Holocaust survivor, and an Israeli freedom fighter in British-controlled Palestine; John Dawson is ...  [selengkapnya]


Day: A Novel  - Paperback - 2006-03-21
oleh Elie Wiesel
*** Out of Print ***
"Not since Albert Camus has there been such an eloquent spokesman for man." --The New York Times Book Review

The publication of Day restores Elie Wiesel’s original title to the novel initially published in English as ...  [selengkapnya]


Night (Oprah's Book Club)  - Paperback - 2006-01-16
oleh Elie Wiesel
*** Out of Print ***
In Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel's memoir Night, a scholarly, pious teenager is wracked with guilt at having survived the horror of the Holocaust and the genocidal campaign that consumed his family. His memories of the nightmare world of the death camps present him with an intolerable question: ...  [selengkapnya]


The 9/11 Report: A Graphic Adaptation  - Paperback - 2006-08-22
oleh Sid Jacobson, Ernie Colon
*** Out of Print ***
Book Description
The 9/11 Report for Every American

On December 5, 2005, the 9/11 Commission issued its final report card on the government's fulfillment of the recommendations issued in July 2004: one A, twelve Bs, nine Cs, twelve Ds, three Fs, and four incompletes. Here is ...  [selengkapnya]

Ibu, Engkaulah Harta Terindahku
Ibu ... betapa indah dan sucinya kata ini. Kata yang membawa wangi keramahan, ketulusan, serta cinta kasih ke dalam relung jiwa. Berterima kasih kepada Ibu, atas kasih sayangnya, merupakan kewajiban ...   
