671. | 
| | oleh Karen Armstrong *** Out of Print *** The picture of Islam as a violent, backward, and insular tradition should be laid to rest, says Karen Armstrong, bestselling author of Muhammad and A History of God. Delving deep into Islamic history, Armstrong sketches the arc of a story that begins with the stirring of revelation ... [selengkapnya]
672. | 
| | oleh Karen Armstrong *** Out of Print *** The city of Jerusalem stands as a religious crossroads unlike any place in history. As such, it possesses a volatile chemistry that--as we are made painfully through news reports and television--explodes on a regular basis. Karen Armstrong, a former Roman Catholic nun who teaches Judaism and is an ... [selengkapnya]
673. | 
| | oleh Karen Armstrong *** Out of Print *** Muhammad was born in 570 CE, and over the following sixty years built a thriving spiritual community, laying the foundations of a religion that changed the course of world history. There is more historical data on his life than on that of the founder of any other major faith, and yet his story is ... [selengkapnya]
674. | 
| | oleh Karen Armstrong *** Out of Print *** Karen Armstrong adalah penulis yang telah menghasilkan karya-karya gemilang tentang berbagai tradisi agama. Dalam setiap tulisannya, dia menampakkan kepiawaiannya menampilkan kajian yang rumit menjadi bahasan yang memikat dan mudah dimengerti.
Penulis yang bermukim di Inggris itu kini ... [selengkapnya]
675. | 
| | Kisah Detail Perang Salib, Akar Pemicunya, dan Dampaknya Terhadap Zaman Sekarang oleh Karen Armstrong *** Out of Print *** Ketika Paus Urban II menyerukan Perang Salib di tahun 1095 untuk merebut kota suci
Yerusalem dari kaum muslim, mungkin sama sekali tidak terbayang betapa rangkaian peristiwa tragis itu akan menorehkan luka yang begitu perih dan pengaruh yang begitu luas. Kaum Kristen Eropa mula-mula memang kurang ... [selengkapnya]
676. | 
| | oleh Karen Armstrong *** Out of Print *** About 40 years ago popular opinion assumed that religion would become a weaker force and people would certainly become less zealous as the world became more modern and morals more relaxed. But the opposite has proven true, according to theologian and author Karen Armstrong (A History of ... [selengkapnya]
677. | 
| | oleh Karen Armstrong *** Out of Print ***
As the work at the heart of Christianity, the Bible is the spiritual guide for one out of every three people in the world. It is also the world’s most widely distributed book, translated into over two thousand languages, and the world’s best selling book, year after year. But the ... [selengkapnya] |
678. | 
| | oleh Karen Armstrong *** Out of Print *** Kita hidup dalam masa transformasi sosial dan kegelisahan yang luar biasa. Setiap hari gambaran tentang peperangan, kemiskinan, bencana alam, dan terorisme disorotkan ke ruang-ruang tengah kita. Adakah sesuatu dari masa silam yang dapat mengajari kita bagaimana menanggapi situasi penuh kekerasan ... [selengkapnya]
679. | 
| | oleh Karen Armstrong *** Out of Print *** From Karen Armstrong, the bestselling author of A History of God and The Spiral Staircase, comes this extraordinary investigation of a critical moment in the evolution of religious thought.
In the ninth century BCE, events in four regions of the civilized world led to the rise ... [selengkapnya]
680. | 
| | oleh Karen Armstrong *** Out of Print *** In the ninth century BCE, the peoples of four distinct regions of the civilized world created the religious and philosophical traditions that have continued to nourish humanity to the present day: Confucianism and Daoism in China, Hinduism and Buddhism in India, monotheism in Israel, and ... [selengkapnya]