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Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths

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Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths 
oleh: Karen Armstrong
> Buku Impor » Biography, History & Current Affair

Penerbit :    Ballantine Books
Edisi :    Paperback
ISBN :    0345391683
ISBN-13 :    9780345391681
Tgl Penerbitan :    1997-04-29
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    512
Ukuran :    0x0x0 mm
Tag :    buku impor 1a
Sinopsis Buku:
The city of Jerusalem stands as a religious crossroads unlike any place in history. As such, it possesses a volatile chemistry that--as we are made painfully through news reports and television--explodes on a regular basis. Karen Armstrong, a former Roman Catholic nun who teaches Judaism and is an honorary member of the Association of Muslim Social Services, has compiled a thorough narrative of the city's fascinating 3,000-year history. Though she emphasizes the city's religious turning points, she recounts battles, earthquakes and various other events, such as invasions by the Romans and the Crusaders, just a millennium apart, that nearly wiped out the city. Her comprehensive explanations provide a context to the current strife in Israel.

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Tentang Pengarang:

Karen Armstong adalah salah satu komentator terkemuka dunia tentang masalah-masalah agama. Dia pernah menjadi biarawati Katolik Roma selama tujuh tahun pada 1960-an, namun kemudian meninggalkan ordonya pada 1969 untuk belajar sastra Inggris di St. Anne's College, Oxford. Pada 1982, dia menjadi penulis purnawaktu dan penyiar televisi. Dia adalah penulis lebih dari 15 buku terlaris di dunia, antara lain Holy War (1988), Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet (1991), Buddha (2001), Menerobos Kegelapan (Mizan, 2004), The Great Transformation (Mizan, 2007), Muhammad: Prophet for Our Time (Mizan, 2007), Masa Depan Tuhan (Mizan, 2011), Sejarah Tuhan (Gold Edition, Mizan, 2011) The Bible: A Biography (Mizan, segera terbit 2011). Seorang penulis yang sukses dan penyebar semangat keberagamaan yang ... [selengkapnya]

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