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oleh: Karen Armstrong
> Buku Impor » Spirituality, Inspiration & Astrology

Penerbit :    Weidenfeld & Nicolson History
Edisi :    Paperback
ISBN :    1842126083
ISBN-13 :    9781842126080
Tgl Penerbitan :    2001-03-12
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    288
Ukuran :    0x0x0 mm
Tag :    buku impor 1a
Sinopsis Buku:
Muhammad was born in 570 CE, and over the following sixty years built a thriving spiritual community, laying the foundations of a religion that changed the course of world history. There is more historical data on his life than on that of the founder of any other major faith, and yet his story is little known.

Karen Armstrong's immaculately researched new biography of Muhammad will enable readers to understand the true origins and spirituality of a faith that is all too often misrepresented as cruel, intolerant, and inherently violent. An acclaimed authority on religious and spiritual issues, Armstrong offers a balanced, in-depth portrait, revealing the man at the heart of Islam by dismantling centuries of misconceptions. Armstrong demonstrates that Muhammad's life—a pivot point in history—has genuine relevance to the global crises we face today.

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Resensi Buku:

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Tentang Pengarang:

Karen Armstong adalah salah satu komentator terkemuka dunia tentang masalah-masalah agama. Dia pernah menjadi biarawati Katolik Roma selama tujuh tahun pada 1960-an, namun kemudian meninggalkan ordonya pada 1969 untuk belajar sastra Inggris di St. Anne's College, Oxford. Pada 1982, dia menjadi penulis purnawaktu dan penyiar televisi. Dia adalah penulis lebih dari 15 buku terlaris di dunia, antara lain Holy War (1988), Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet (1991), Buddha (2001), Menerobos Kegelapan (Mizan, 2004), The Great Transformation (Mizan, 2007), Muhammad: Prophet for Our Time (Mizan, 2007), Masa Depan Tuhan (Mizan, 2011), Sejarah Tuhan (Gold Edition, Mizan, 2011) The Bible: A Biography (Mizan, segera terbit 2011). Seorang penulis yang sukses dan penyebar semangat keberagamaan yang ... [selengkapnya]

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