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Louisa May Alcott

Louisa May Alcott was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania on November 29, 1832. She and her three sisters, Anna, Elizabeth and May were educated by their father, philosopher/ teacher, Bronson Alcott and raised on the practical Christianity of their mother, Abigail May.

Louisa spent her childhood in Boston and in Concord, Massachusetts, where her days were enlightened by visits to Ralph Waldo Emerson�s library, excursions into nature with Henry David Thoreau and theatricals in the barn at Hillside (now Hawthorne�s "Wayside").

Like her character, Jo March in Little Women, young Louisa was a tomboy: "No boy could be my friend till I had beaten him in a race," she claimed, " and no girl if she refused to climb trees, leap fences...."

For Louisa, writing was an early passion. She had a rich imagination and often her stories became melodramas that she and her sisters would act out for friends. Louisa preferred to play the "lurid" parts in these plays, "the villains, ghosts, bandits, and disdainful queens."

At age 15, troubled by the poverty that plagued her family, she vowed: "I will do something by and by. Don�t care what, teach, sew, act, write, anything to help the family; and I�ll be rich and famous and happy before I die, see if I won�t!"

Confronting a society that offered little opportunity to women seeking employment, Louisa determined "...I will make a battering-ram of my head and make my way through this rough and tumble world." Whether as a teacher, seamstress, governess, or household servant, for many years Louisa did any work she could find.

Louisa�s career as an author began with poetry and short stories that appeared in popular magazines. In 1854, when she was 22, her first book Flower Fables was published. A milestone along her literary path was Hospital Sketches (1863) based on the letters she had written home from her post as a nurse in Washington, DC as a nurse during the Civil War.

When Louisa was 35 years old, her publisher Thomas Niles in Boston asked her to write "a book for girls." Little Women was written at Orchard House from May to July 1868. The novel is based on Louisa and her sisters� coming of age and is set in Civil War New England. Jo March was the first American juvenile heroine to act from her own individuality; a living, breathing person rather than the idealized stereotype then prevalent in children�s fiction.

In all, Louisa published over 30 books and collections of stories. She died on March 6, 1888, only two days after her father, and is buried in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Concord.

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Beberapa buku yang pernah ditulis oleh Louisa May Alcott:

oleh Louisa May Alcott
“Di manakah Cinderella? Ini sepatunya. Sudah saatnya ia memiliki sepasang sepatu baru. Tampaknya sepatu kaca sekarang sudah tidak bisa bertahan lama,” seru seorang pemuda dengan senyum mengejek sambil mengacungkan sebuah sepatu kecil yang lusuh dan rusak di sana-sini.

Di luar ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Louisa May Alcott
Meg : Anak tertua dengan paras cantik, anggun dan berambut panjang. Dia sangat bertanggung jawab mengurus keluarga, terutama jika Mama sedang sakit. Jo : Si Tomboy yang saat berbicara cepat sekali. Dia mempunyai bakat di bidang menulis, dan karyanya yang disebutnya sebagai �Maha Karya Jo� pernah ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Louisa May Alcott
Karya klasik yang tak lekang oleh waktu ini bercerita tentang kehidupan empat bersaudari, suatu masa di Concord, Massachusetts. Meg, si cantik keibuan yang bermimpi menjadi seorang ratu bergaun indah. Jo, si Tomboi yang sangat mencintai buku dan sastra. Beth, si Pendiam yang begitu berbakat ...  [selengkapnya]

Good Wives

Eight Cousins

Little Women

Little Women (Barnes & Noble Classics)

An Old Fashioned Girl

Short Stories (Dover Thrift Editions)

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