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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Shelley E Taylor"
Displaying 1 to 4 (of 4 books)


Health Psychology (Eighth Edition)  - Paperback - 2011-09-00
oleh Shelley E Taylor
*** Out of Print ***
The eighth edition of Health Psychology highlights health issues that face the college student and his or her family through both accessible research examples and profiles of interventions. Drawing on current, cutting-edge research, the text highlights health issues relevant to the college ...  [selengkapnya]


Health Psychology - 2009-01-06
oleh Shelley E. Taylor
*** Out of Print ***
The seventh edition of Health Psychology highlights health issues that face the college student and his or her family through both accessible research examples and profiles of interventions. It also highlights health issues relevant to the college student  [selengkapnya]


Health Psychology - 2011-01-09
oleh Shelley E. Taylor
*** Out of Print ***
The eighth edition of Health Psychology highlights health issues that face the college student and his or her family through both accessible research examples and profiles of interventions. Drawing on current, cutting-edge research, the text highlights health issues relevant to the college ...  [selengkapnya]


Psikologi Sosial  - Soft Cover - 2009-03-00
oleh Shelley E. taylor, dkk.
*** Out of Print ***
Buku ini menyajikan ebrbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan bidang psikologi sosial, mulai dari teori klasik hingga temuan riset terbaru. Dengan demikian, cakupan buku ini menjadi amat luas dan komprehensif, sehingga di harapkan dapat membantu menjelaskan ebrbgai fenomena kehidupan sosial dan berbagai ...  [selengkapnya]

Manjali The Novel
Nina Anjani Manjali biasa dipanggil Jali adalah korban malpraktek seekor genderuwo yang lalai dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Ketika lahir, Jali diculik dan ditinggalkan di sebuah kuburan tua. Takdir ...   
