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Health Psychology (Eighth Edition)

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Health Psychology (Eighth Edition) 
oleh: Shelley E Taylor
> Buku Impor » Psychology

Penerbit :    McGRAW-HILL
Edisi :    Paperback
ISBN :    0071086862
ISBN-13 :    9780071086868
Tgl Penerbitan :    2011-09-00
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    576
Ukuran :    0x0x0 mm
Tag :    buku impor
Sinopsis Buku:
The eighth edition of Health Psychology highlights health issues that face the college student and his or her family through both accessible research examples and profiles of interventions. Drawing on current, cutting-edge research, the text highlights health issues relevant to the college student's immediate and global environment such as coping with stress, maintaining physical health, and making decisions about alcohol and smoking. This edition contains clear descriptions of current research into the prevention, treatment, and causes (social, genetic, and biological) of specific health related disorders.

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