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Methods in Educational Research: From Theory to Practice (Research Methods for the Social Sciences)

Methods in Educational Research: From Theory to Practice (Research Methods for the Social Sciences) 
oleh: Marguerite G. Lodico, Dean T. Spaulding, Katherine H. Voegtle
> Buku Impor » Education

List Price :   Rp 306.900
Your Price :    Rp 276.210 (10% OFF)
Penerbit :    Jossey-Bass
ISBN :    0470436808
ISBN-13 :    9780470436806
Tgl Penerbitan :    2010-04-17
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    544
Ukuran :    175x234x30 mm
Berat :    907 gram
Tag :    buku impor 3-3
Sinopsis Buku:

Methods in Educational Research

Methods in Educational Research is designed to prepare students for the real world of educational research. It focuses on scientifically-based methods, school accountability, and the professional demands of the twenty-first century, empowering researchers to take an active role in conducting research in their classrooms, districts, and the greater educational community. Like the first edition, this edition helps students, educators, and researchers develop a broad and deep understanding of research methodologies. It includes substantial new content on the impact of No Child Left Behind legislation, school reform, quantitative and qualitative methodologies, logic modeling, action research, and other areas. Special features to assist the teaching and learning processes include vignettes illustrating research tied to practice, suggested readings at the end of each chapter, and discussion questions to reinforce chapter content.

Praise for the Previous Edition

"A new attempt to make this subject more relevant and appealing to students. Most striking is how useful this book is because it is really grounded in educational research. It is very well written and quite relevant for educational researchers or for the student hoping to become one." -PsycCRITIQUES/American Psychological Association

"I applaud the authors for their attempt to cover a wide range of material. The straightforward language of the book helps make the material understandable for readers." -Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation

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