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Anda tidak menemukan buku yang anda cari??
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Beberapa buku yang mendekati hasil pencarian:
| | oleh Jonathan Stroud
Rp 70.000 Rp 59.500
Bartimaeus, sang jin luar biasa, terjebak sebagai budak di Jerusalem, di bawah kekuasaan ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh Evald Flisar
Rp 35.000 Rp 26.250 Kenapa Leonardo? ( What about leonardo? ) Karya penulis slovenia, Evald Flisar, adalah sebuah upaya menyajikan refleksi bagi diri kita. Betapa dekat jarak antara "kenyataan" dan "khayalan".
Dipentaskan pertamakali di indonesia oleh teater koma sebagai produksinya yang ke-112, dipusat kesenian ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh Laurell K. Hamilton *** Out of Print ***
"""RAISING THE DEAD IS EASY. LOVE IS HARD..."" There are lots of reasons to raise the dead-some private, some public. In this case, the feds have a witness who died before he could speak on the record. They want him raised so his testimony can be taken. So here I am, on a plane to Philadelphia, ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh Andrew Burke, Rowan McKinnon, Arnold Barkhordarian, Sean Dorney, Tim Flannery *** Out of Print ***
Feel the frenzy of the tribal drums at a Highlands singsing, follow in the footsteps of history on the challenging Kokoda Track, take a slow boat down the mighty Sepik River or dive into a spectacular underwater realm. Let the best and only guide to Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands take you on ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh H.Rider Haggard *** Out of Print ***
| | oleh Steven K. Scott *** Out of Print ***
In this short, powerful book, multimillionaire and bestselling author Steven K. Scott reveals King Solomon’s breakthrough strategies to achieve a life of financial success and personal fulfillment.
Steve Scott flunked out of every job he held in his first six years after college. He ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh Clive Cussler & Paul Kemprecos *** Out of Print ***
Irak, 2003. Museum Sejarah Baghdad mengalami perampokan besar-besaran selama invasi AS. Semua barang bersejarah yang berharga lenyap dijarah. Carina Mechadi, seorang utusan PBB dari UNESCO, mengajukan diri untuk mencari dan mengembalikan barang-barang bersejarah tersebut. Beragam intrik dan ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh Zhaenal Fanani
Rp 65.000 Rp 55.250 Sebuah kisah memikat dan menegangkan tentang perburuan dua pusaka penting kelompok Illuminati!
Dua orang menghilang. Torrenc D’leh dan Audric Ciel. Keduanya memiliki keterkaitan dengan sesuatu: Heksagram merah dan peta heksagram. Dan, seorang pria bernama Arioch ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh H. Rider Haggard *** Out of Print ***
King Solomon's Mines, by H. Rider Haggard, is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. ... [selengkapnya] |
| | oleh Steven K. Scott
Rp 279.529 Rp 237.600 After Steven Scott flunked out of six jobs in his first four years after college, his best friend, Gary Smalley, offered one simple suggestion that would transform his life: study a chapter in Proverbs every day. Two years later, using the amazing strategies he gleaned from Solomon, Scott started a ... [selengkapnya]
| | *** Out of Print ***
| | oleh Roberta Edwards *** Out of Print ***
| | oleh Leonardo da Vinci *** Out of Print ***
Orang-orang akan merasa menyaksikan penghancuran yang aneh di angkasa. Terlihat seolah-olah kobaran api meninggi di langit dan menjilat-jilat ke bawah, membuat orang-orang terteror ketakutan."
Leonardo da Vinci dikenal di seantero dunia sebagai pencipta karya-karya seni yang indah. Tak banyak ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh Michael J. Gelb *** Out of Print ***
Author Michael Gelb ignited the current fascination with all things Da Vinci with his runaway bestseller, How to Think like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day. Just as that book showed readers how to use the seven Da Vincian principles to develop their creative potential, his new ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh Fritjof Capra *** Out of Print ***
Leonardo da Vinci’s pioneering scientific work was virtually unknown during his lifetime. Now acclaimed scientist and bestselling author Fritjof Capra reveals that Leonardo was in many ways the unacknowledged “father of modern science.” Drawing on an examination of over 6,000 ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh Alfred Bekker *** Out of Print ***
Di sebuah desa kecil bernama Vinci di dekat Florens, pada tahun 1462...
Ketika di Desa Vinci muncul seorang anak peminta-minta dengan bercak-bercak hitam di wajahnya, penduduk pun heboh; Penyakit pes berjangkit! Untunglah cepat datang seorang dokter yang memiliki obat penawar Kematian ... [selengkapnya]
| | *** Out of Print ***
| | oleh Daniel Arasse *** Out of Print ***
Winner of the prestigious Malraux Prize, when first published in France, this landmark study of the artist, thinker and inventor considers the kaleidoscopic nature of this remarkable man. It is fully illustrated with reproductions of all of da Vinci's painted works as well as numerous reproductions ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh Leonardo da Vinci *** Out of Print ***
| | oleh Leonardo da Vinci, H. Anna Suh *** Out of Print ***
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) possessed arguably the greatest mind the world has ever known. Artist, draftsman, inventor, and philosopher, his contributions to modern society are profound and wide-reaching. Throughout his life, Leonardo kept dozens of notebooks, elegant studies on topics ranging ... [selengkapnya]