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Learning Journals: A Handbook for Reflective Practice and Professional Development

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Learning Journals: A Handbook for Reflective Practice and Professional Development 
oleh: Jennifer A. Moon
> Buku Impor » Education

Penerbit :    Routledge
ISBN :    0415403758
ISBN-13 :    9780415403757
Tgl Penerbitan :    2006-09-20
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    208
Ukuran :    156x230x14 mm
Berat :    322 gram
Tag :    buku impor 3-3
Sinopsis Buku:

Fully updated with important new theory and practical material, this second edition of Learning Journals offers guidance on keeping and using journals and gives step-by-step advice on integrating journal writing on taught courses, in training and professional development and in supporting personal development planning (PDP) activities. Key topics covered include:

  • the nature of learning journals and how we learn from them
  • the broad range of uses of learning journals, including portfolios and personal and professional development
  • the depth and quality of reflection in learning journals
  • the assessment of learning journals and reflective writing
  • the use of narrative and story-telling techniques in journals.

With useful exercises and activities that enhance learning journal work in a structured manner, Learning Journals is invaluable reading for teachers and students in higher education, for all professionals, particularly those working in the health services and business and training and for all those who want to learn more about keeping a fulfilling personal journal.

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