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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Elaine Atkins DProf MA MCSP Cert FE, Jill Kerr MSc BSc MCSP, Emily Jane Goodlad MSc MCSP"

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Beberapa buku yang mendekati hasil pencarian:

oleh Karen Yampolsky
*** Out of Print ***

Jill White sejak dulu memimpikan mendirikan majalah untuk wanita yang isinya bukan melulu tentang menurunkan berat badan dan model-model ceking anoreksia. Ini majalah untuk wanita yang cerdas dan nyata. Suatu ketika, Jill pun hadir dan langsung meraup perhatian di dunia penerbitan. Ketika raksasa ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Peggy Post
*** Out of Print ***

What makes a perfect wedding? "[The bride] and the groom both look as though there were sunlight behind their eyes, as though their mouths irresistibly turned to smiles," wrote Emily Post in 1922's Etiquette. Great-granddaughter-in-law Peggy Post, author of the fourth edition of Emily ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh India Grey
Rp 36.000      Rp 30.600
Emily Balfour tak tahan dengan skandal keluarganya. Perselingkuhan sang ayah serta anak yang dihasilkannya benar-benar membuatnya sakit hati hingga ia memutuskan pergi. Kini ia berjuang keras menghidupi diri sendiri, jauh dari kemewahan keluarga Balfour. Dan ia tak menyangka akan bertemu kembali ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Arleen Amidjaja
Rp 16.000      Rp 13.600
Cerita berima merupakan cerita yang memiliki rima. Keunikan rima ini yang membuat anak-anak tertarik untuk membaca lagi dan lagi karena setiap bait teksnya terdapat alunan irama. Sebab dalam cerita Berima ada unsur phonological awarness, di mana anak-anak akan lebih mengingat sesuatu apabila ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Terry J. Gander, Ian Hogg
*** Out of Print ***

Since the publication of the first edition in 1996, Jane's Guns Recognition has sold over 65,000 copies worldwide and this edition ensures it remains the international best-selling firearms handbook.

This book does exactly what it says on the cover!

This is the most ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Christopher F. Foss
*** Out of Print ***


oleh Michael J. Gething, Gunter Endres
*** Out of Print ***

The essential guide to the world's aircraft

  • Over 500 color photographs
  • Civilian and military aircraft
  • Technical data
  • Recognition silhouettes
  • Aircraft markings identification guide

oleh James Patterson
*** Out of Print ***

Pada suatu malam, seorang senator yang kontroversial tewas terbunuh di rumah keduanya di Georgetown. Polisi hanya menemukan satu petunjuk : sajak misterius yang ditandatangani oleh " Jack dan Jill ", dan menjanjikan bahwa ini baru permulaan.Sementara detektif Washington, D.C., Alex Cross ditugaskan ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Thomas F. Baskett MB BCh BAO FRCS(C) FRCS(Ed) FRCOG FACOG DHMSA, Andrew A. Calder MB ChB MD FRCS(Ed) FRCP(Glas) FRCP(Ed) FRCOG HonFCOG(SA), Sabaratnam Arulkumaran c
Rp 1.100.000      Rp 990.000
This is a highly illustrated, practical book covering the obstetric and surgical procedures used in intrapartum care, including commonly used procedures such as assisted vaginal delivery (forceps and vacuum delivery) and more rare techniques such as major vessel ligation and embolization and ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Julio Atkins Peter; De Paula
*** Out of Print ***


oleh Robert C. Atkins
*** Out of Print ***

It is bread and not butter that is the enemy in Dr. Atkins's popular and controversial low-carbohydrate/high-fat diet. In In Atkins for Life, he continues his decades-long crusade against low-fat eating. Atkins argues that low-fat meals are high-carbohydrate missiles, causing the body to ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Veronica Atkins, Stephanie Nathanson, Robert C. Atkins, Atkins Health & Medical Information Services
*** Out of Print ***

From the wife of the late Dr. Robert Atkins, here is an inventive cookbook that will allow low carb devotees to keep the faith without cutting down the fat. Grounded in the carb counting, fat allowing formula that launched millions of dieters, Veronica Atkins has designed a book "to make doing ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Atkins Health & Medical Information Serv
*** Out of Print ***

What should I eat, and where can I find it?
Which products are the most Atkins-friendly?
Are there hidden dangers in seemingly "acceptable" foods?

Now Food Shopping the Atkins Way is Easier Than Ever!

Whether you're one of the millions already losing weight and feeling ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Robert C. Atkins, Sheila Buff, Robert Atkins
*** Out of Print ***

Dump the food pyramid that the American Dietetics Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the National Institutes of Health, and the American Cancer Society all implore you to follow for the sake of your health. Take antioxidant supplements (but skip most of the foods that naturally ...  [selengkapnya]

*** Out of Print ***


oleh Robert C. Atkins
*** Out of Print ***

Designed to catapult your body into a state of fat meltdown, Dr. Atkins's diet has taken America by storm. It targets insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. The bodies of most overeaters are continually in a state of hyperinsulinism; their bodies are so adept at releasing insulin ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Lucy Maud Montgomery
Rp 59.000      Rp 50.150
"Jelas dia bukan seorang Murray," kata Bibi Elizabeth, tegas dan tak suka. �Dia juga bukan seorang Starr,� imbuh Paman Oliver. Emily tak tahan lagi. �Kalian membuatku merasa aku ini dibuat dari tambalan perca atau apa! Jangan bicarakan aku seakan aku tak ada!� Dunia Emily yang indah dalam ...  [selengkapnya]

*** Out of Print ***


oleh Arleen Amidjaja
Rp 17.500
Emily is one arrogant witch. Shirley met her at the camp. Do you think Emily can change into a better person? What happened at the camp? Read and find out!  [selengkapnya]

oleh Fatimah Zahra
*** Out of Print ***


Ia tumbuh dalam kondisi keluarga serba pas. Rumah yang ia tinggali berpindah dari satu bantaran kali ke bantaran kali yang lain. Bersama keluarganya ia pernah menjadi penghuni liar di pasar kayu, dan ...   
