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Great People Decisions: Why They Matter So Much, Why They are So Hard, and How You Can Master Them

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Great People Decisions: Why They Matter So Much, Why They are So Hard, and How You Can Master Them 
oleh: Claudio Fernndez-Aroz
> Buku Impor » Business, Management & Self Improvement

Penerbit :    Wiley
Edisi :    Hard Cover
ISBN :    0470037261
ISBN-13 :    9780470037263
Tgl Penerbitan :    2007-05-25
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    352
Ukuran :    0x0x0 mm
Tag :    buku impor
Sinopsis Buku:

Praise for Great People Decisions

"Fernndez-Aroz has captured the essence of building great teams with a masterful and entirely practical study of what goes into getting people selection right."

"Fernndez-Aroz does a great service with this wonderful book, teaching us how to accomplish the first task of any exceptional leader: get the right people on the bus, and into the right seats. His enduring passion, deep practical experience, and analytical methods make his approach refreshing and powerful."
—JIM COLLINS, bestselling author of Good to Great

"No matter your business or product, your service or strategy, it's all done with people. Great results only come when great people fill the right roles. In Great People Decisions, Fernndez-Aroz clears away the fog of myth and fad that has long clouded people decisions, bringing passion, sound experience, and wisdom to these all-important questions."
—DANIEL GOLEMAN, bestselling author of Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence

"Great People Decisions is a groundbreaking, myth-busting, and standard-setting work. To prepare yourself for the dramatic workforce changes that are expected in the next decade, the first thing you should do is read this book. The second thing you should do is put Fernndez-Aroz's advice into practice immediately."
—JIM KOUZES, bestselling coauthor of The Leadership Challenge and A Leader's Legacy

"Too many people say 'people are our most important assets' but then don't act on it. In this important and eloquent book, Fernndez-Aroz provides compelling evidence for why making great people decisions is essential for anyone who aspires to become a great leader or build a great company. If you follow the sage advice he offers in this book, you are sure to make great people decisions."
—NITIN NOHRIA, Senior Associate Dean of Faculty Development, Harvard Business School, and coauthor of Paths to Power and In Their Time

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