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oleh Clint Swindall
Rp 374.117      Rp 317.999
Praise for Engaged Leadership, second edition

"Engaged Leadership is the best of both worlds: an engaging business story coupled with a primer on the practical skills all leaders need. In ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Daniel Altman
Rp 276.470      Rp 235.000
In the span of one day, how does the world do business?

In Connected: 24 Hours in the Global Economy, journalist and economist Daniel Altman answers this question by ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Matthieu Ricard, Daniel Goleman
Rp 288.823      Rp 245.500
In This Groundbreaking Book, Matthieu Ricard makes a passionate case for happiness as a goal that deserves at least as much energy as any other in our lives. Wealth? Fitness? Career success? How can ...  [selengkapnya]


Personal Finance  - Paperback - 2011-00-00
oleh Jack R. Kapoor
Rp 300.000      Rp 255.000
Your journey to financial freedom starts here! Kapoor/Dlabay/Hughes' market-leading "Personal Finance" provides practical guidance on how students can achieve peace of mind with regard ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Sonja Lyubomirsky
Rp 388.235      Rp 330.000
A groundbreaking, practical guide to attaining happiness based on innovative scientific research, The How of Happiness is a powerful contribution to the field of positive psychology and a gift ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Roger G. Schroeder, Susan Meyer Goldstein, M. Johnny Rungtusanatham
Rp 256.000
"Operations Management: Contemporary Concepts and Cases", is an ideal book for the instructor seeking a short text with cases. This book employs a cross-functional perspective, appealing to ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Fred David

David's Strategic Management offers a skills-oriented, practitioner perspective that has been updated with modern cases to reflect current research and strategy.  [selengkapnya]


Feng Shui for 2009 [Clearance Sale]  - Paperback - 2008-01-11
oleh Joey Yap
Rp 295.000      Rp 206.500
Joey Yap's Feng Shui for 2009 shows you how to maximise the Qi of the Year of the Earth Ox for your home or office. Avoid the Yearly Afflictions, learn more about the energies of 2009 and find out ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Jeffrey A. Hirsch
Rp 375.000      Rp 243.750
The key to successful financial research is the ability to access and manipulate accurate data. This book, and its cutting edge, completely Internet-based trading system--that can organise and ...  [selengkapnya]


The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens  - Paperback - 1998-09-10
oleh Sean Covey
Rp 190.588      Rp 162.000
Based on his father's bestselling The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Sean Covey applies the same principles to teens, using a vivacious, entertaining style. To keep it fun, Covey ...  [selengkapnya]

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Seketika Galau [Clearance Sale]
"Enggak ada yang pernah memberitahu gue kalau setelah patah hati, akan ada proses yang lebih enggak enak daripada galau karena patah hati itu sendiri!" Yap, itu yang gue rasain sekarang. ...   
