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| | oleh Sophie Kinsella *** Out of Print *** �This expensive, glossy world is where I�ve been headed all along. Limos and flowers; waxed eyebrows and designer clothes from Barneys. These are my people; this is where I�m meant to be.� �Becky Bloomwood
Universally beloved by readers, Sophie Kinsella�s national bestseller, ... [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh Sophie Kinsella *** Out of Print *** There’s never been a better excuse to buy a new dress...or two.
The irresistible heroine of Confessions of a Shopaholic and Shopaholic Takes Manhattan is back!—in a hilarious tale of mothers and daughters, mothers and sons, and one blushing bride who just ... [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh Danielle Steel *** Out of Print *** In her 38th bestselling novel, Danielle Steel creates a powerful, moving portrayal of families divided, lives shattered and a nation torn apart by prejudice during a shameful episode in recent American history.
A man ahead of his time, Japanese college professor Masao Takashimaya of Kyoto ... [selengkapnya]
44. | 
| | Sisters - Mass Market Paperback - 2008-01-29 oleh Danielle Steel *** Out of Print *** Four sisters, a Manhattan brownstone, and a tumultuous year of loss and courage are at the heart of Danielle Steel’s new novel about a remarkable family, a stunning tragedy—and what happens when four very different young women come together under one very lively ... [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh John Grisham *** Out of Print *** John Grisham turns a satirical eye on the overblown ritual of the festive holiday season, and the result is Skipping Christmas, a modest but funny novel about the tyranny of December 25. Grisham's story revolves around a typical middle-aged American couple, Luther and Nora Krank. On the ... [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh Danielle Steel *** Out of Print *** In her 55th bestselling novel, Danielle Steel explores the seasons of an extraordinary friendship, weaving the story of three couples, lifelong friends, for whom a month’s holiday in St. Tropez becomes a summer of change, revelation, secrets, surprises, and new beginnings . . .
As ... [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh Jodi Compton *** Out of Print *** Jodi Compton’s debut, The 37th Hour, was hailed as “compelling” (San Francisco Chronicle), “intelligent” (New York Times Book Review), and “the debut of a world-class mystery writer” (Denver Post). Now Compton delivers a new ... [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh JODI COMPTON *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh Jodi Compton *** Out of Print *** In a suspense novel of astounding power and depth, Jodi Compton unleashes a haunting tale of secrets and betrayal...and of one woman's search for her missing husband that spirals into a dark journey strewn with bitter truths and damged lives. Here debut novelist Compton introduces an extraordinary ... [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh John Grisham *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]