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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Ais"
Displaying 301 to 310 (of 402 books)

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oleh Jan Castorina, Dimitra Stais
*** Out of Print ***
Pass by any health food store-or even through your neighborhood coffee oasis-and you can't help noticing: juices are hot. Whips, blends and shakes-from anti-oxidant enriched concoctions to sweet cold smoothies-this fast-growing multi-million dollar industry is built upon the fact that no other ...  [selengkapnya]


Great Encyclopedia of Mushrooms  - Hard Cover - 2006-00-00
oleh Jean-Louis Lamaison
*** Out of Print ***
The Great Encyclopedia of Mushrooms is billed by its publisher as a "culinary title," but fungi lovers who just want to look at them will enjoy this reference as much as gourmands. Profusely illustrated with color photos, cross-sections, and close-ups, this book will help you identify the ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh John & Doris Naisbitt
*** Out of Print ***
APA YANG MENGUBAH CHINA MENJADI KEKUATAN EKONOMI YANG BEGITU DAHSYAT? John dan Doris Naisbitt, pengamat kawakan China, memberikan pemaparan mendalam mengenai perubahan fundamental dalam kehidupan sosial, politik, dan ekonomi China, serta dampaknya terhadap negara-negara Barat. Dengan akses ...  [selengkapnya]


Lonely Planet Australia  - Paperback - 2007-11-00
oleh Justine Vaisutis, Becca Blond, Lindsay Brown, Terry Carter, Lara Dunston, George Dunford
*** Out of Print ***
Discover Australia

Feel the wind in your hair as you cruise the world's longest road; tips for driving across this magnificent, monster country.
Find out where Lonely Planet's favorite Australians would rather be.
Seek refuge in Cape Tribulation's Wet Tropics where the ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Justine Vaisutis, Lindsay Brown, Jocelyn Harewood
*** Out of Print ***
Swandive at Bondi or `go glamour' at Tamarama: swim with the cool kids at Sydney's superb beaches, p63.

Explore lunar plains, outback dunes, sun-soaked coasts and moss-cloaked rainforests, p41.

Follow your nose: we've sniffed out the best coffee, loveliest wine and freshest ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Justine Vaisutis, Lindsey Brown, Simone Egger, Miriam Raphael
*** Out of Print ***
Admit it: you're here for the beaches, aren't you? Sure, we all know that Queensland's also got great dining, a thriving, accessible indigenous culture and a healthy international vibe. But it's the sun-kissed beaches, gentle warm sea and coral reef you're really here for, isn't it?

• ...  [selengkapnya]


Indonesia (Lonely Planet Travel Guides)  - Paperback - 2007-01-00
oleh Justine Vaisutis, Neal Bedford, Mark Elliott, Nick Ray, Ryan Ver Berkmoes
*** Out of Print ***
Stretch your hand through ancient stone latticework to touch the lucky Buddhas atop Java's majestic Borobudur.

Drink with the deceased (and try not to slip on buffalo blood!) at an elaborate and riotous Torajan funeral.

Sniff out the infamous durian, scaly salak or spiky rumbutan at a ...  [selengkapnya]


Love Honor 02 [POD] - 2008-08-08
*** Out of Print ***

Riku Punya Pacar! Hati Mao terasa perih, mamun, sulit sekali membunuh rasa itu, semakin keras berusaha, semakin kuat cinta itu bertahan.



*** Out of Print ***

Mao Tominaga sekelas dengan Riku Matsuda.

Mereka berdua berteman baik dan sangat akrab.

Begitu indahnya hubungan mereka, membuat Mao jatuh cinta.

Apalagi, sepertinya Riku juga begitu memperhatikan Mao



Honesty  - Soft Cover - 2013-03-00
oleh Lindaisy
*** Out of Print ***
Kehidupan Hyeyoo awalnya sangat sempurna. Setelah lulus SMA, ia kembali ke negeri asal ayahnya, Kim Jaeshin, Korea. Bertemu dengan sepupu menyebalkan namun baik hati, Jonghun. Menikmati hidup bersama ayah dan kakak yang sangat menyayanginya. Dan, merasakan cinta untuk pertama kalinya.


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Terima Kasih Ibu: ... Malaikat Tak Bersayap

Betapa pun besar dan hebat pemberianku padamu, tidak akan pernah dapat menggantikan darah yang pernah kau tumpahkan saat melahirkanku, tidak akan pernah mampu membalas air susumu yang telah ...   
