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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Mark S"
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Undang-Undang Pajak-Pajak Pusat Terbaru  - Soft Cover - 2004-03-00
oleh Muda Markus
*** Out of Print ***
Untuk mempelajari perpajakan Indonesia yang berlaku saat ini, kita perlu memiliki informasi mengenai semua Undang-undang perpajakan termasuk hasil amandemennya. Dalam buku ini, Undang-Undang Pajak-Pajak Pusat-PPh, PPN, PPnBM, PBB, Bea Perolehan Hak atas Tanah dan Bangunan, Bea Meterai, Penagihan ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Oscar Riera Ojeda, Mark Pasnik, Photography by Paul Warchol
*** Out of Print ***
Elements is the second volume in the Architecture in Detail series, which presents a collection of new projects in which the designers ideas are evident in the minor moments of space, such as the curve of a handrail, the profile of a cabinet, the form and texture of a wall. The images ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Oscar Riera Ojeda, Mark Pasnik, Photography by Paul Warchol
*** Out of Print ***
Materials is the first book in the Architecture in Detail series, which examines a wide spectrum of architectural palettes from traditional products used innovatively to the testing of newer substances and from elegant applications of inelegant materials to experimentation with ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Peter W. Huber, Mark P. Mills
*** Out of Print ***
A myth-shattering book that explains why energy is not scarce, why the price of energy doesn't matter very much, and why "waste" of energy is both necessary and desirable.

The sheer volume of talk about energy, energy prices, and energy policy on both sides of the political aisle suggests that ...  [selengkapnya]


Kewenangan Pemerintah di Bidang Pertanahan  - Soft Cover - 0000-00-00
oleh Prof.Arie Sukanti Hutagalung, S.H., M.Li & Markus Gunawan, S.H., M.Kn.
*** Out of Print ***
Sejak bergulirnya era otonomi daerah, kerap muncul permasalahan yang berujung pada sengketa kewenangan antara Pemerintah Pusat, pemerintah provinsi, dan pemerintah kabupaten/kota. Di satu sisi, Pemerintah Pusat mendelegasikan kewenangan kepada daaerah untuk mengurus urusan rumah tangganya sesuai ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Randal J. Elder, Mark S. Beasley, Alvin A. Arens, Amir Abadi Jusuf
*** Out of Print ***
Jasa Audit dan Assurance: Pendekatan Terpadu (Adaptasi Indonesia) Buku 2 menawarkan kenyamanan dan kemudahan dalam mempelajari jasa audit dan assurance, terutama dalam konteks Indonesia. Buku ini merupakan buku teks pengantar mengenai jasa-jasa audit dan assurance lainnya yang telah diadaptasi ke ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Richard Laermer & Mark S
*** Out of Print ***
Revolusi pemasaran sudah datang! Laermer dan Simmons dengan "kurang ajar" menyoroti perubahan yang menjungkirbalikkan hubungan antara para penjual-produk, jasa, hiburan-dan para pembelinya. Keduanya menunjukkan bahwa, untuk survive dalam bisnis, diperlukan sebuah pendekatan revolusioner yang ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Ronald Jay Cohen, Mark Swerdlik
*** Out of Print ***
This is a careful and thoroughly updated revision of the most highly acclaimed and successful undergraduate text in testing over the last fifteen years. PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING AND ASSESSMENT examines the philosophical, historical, and methodological foundations of psychological testing, assessment, ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Ronald M. Shapiro, Mark A. Jankowski, James Dale
*** Out of Print ***
The impossible people who make life’s journey so difficult are everywhere—at the office, in restaurants, on airplanes, living next door, members of your own family. They’re . . .

• your “nothing is ever good enough” boss

• the “no price ...  [selengkapnya]


Indonesia (Lonely Planet Travel Guides)  - Paperback - 0000-00-00
New Cover
oleh Ryan Ver Berkmoes, Celeste Brash, Muhammad Cohen, Mark Elliott, Trent Holden, Guyan Mitra, John Noble, Adam Skolnick, Lain Stewart, Steve Waters
*** Out of Print ***
With a Lonely Planet guidebook you'll get the best out of your Indonesian trip. Our 9th edition of Indonesia will take you to the best beaches and bars in Bali, through lush paddy fields in Sumatra, diving with turtles off the Gilis in Lombok and to a traditional dance in Ubud.

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