Hasil Pencarian untuk "E L James"
Displaying 271 to 280 (of 365 books)
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| 271. |
| | oleh James Gelsey *** Out of Print *** Scooby dan Geng Misteri tampaknya akan kehilangan kepala mereka dalam kasus yang terbaru ini. Penunggang kuda tanpa kepala yang melegenda itu sedang menghantui hutan dekat pndok bersejarah Ruppscupper yang terkenal.
Pada saat yang sama, pewaris sah dari perumahan Ruppscupper kembali setelah ... [selengkapnya]
| 272. |
| | oleh James Gelsey *** Out of Print *** Pada perayaan Halloween, Scooby Doo dan teman-teman Geng Misteri menghadiri acara pelelangan di hotel Brickstone.
Tiba-tiba, keadaan menjadi kacau saat sesosok vampire menyelinap dan mencuri permata ajaib dari Transylvania.
Wow, menegangkan! Scooby Doo dan Geng Misteri siap beraksi ... [selengkapnya]
| 273. |
| | oleh James Grayson Trulove *** Out of Print ***
Following up on the successful book 25 Houses under 2500 Square Feet, this title will continue to explore, though case studies, the joys of living in compact, well designed homes. The 25 houses presented in the book offer an extraordinary range of architectural solutions for designing ... [selengkapnya]
| 274. |
| | oleh James Grayson Trulove *** Out of Print ***
Through exquisite photography and drawings, this book presents romantic and dramatic cottages in a range of styles from the contemporary to the traditional.Placing particular emphasis on interior design, it displays beautiful decoration as well as focusing on the design of such very cottage-like ... [selengkapnya]
| 275. |
| | oleh James Grayson Trulove *** Out of Print ***
What makes a loft smart? This book presents the extraordinary designs of recently completed lofts that highlight three kinds of smart solutions. Through smart technology, a variety of electronic devices attend to your needs while in the loft, and carry on a variety of necessary functions while ... [selengkapnya]
| 276. |
| | oleh James Grayson Trulove, Ray Cha *** Out of Print ***
An in-depth look at state-of-the-art prefabricated and modular homes—the most popular, economical, and stylish options in housing today PreFab Now explores the best prefabricated houses on the market today worldwide and addresses the advantages ... [selengkapnya]
| 277. |
| | oleh James Gwartney, Richard L. Stroup, Dwight Lee *** Out of Print *** * Do taxes help more than they hurt?* What effect does redistributing wealth have on our economy---and those who participate in its redistribution?* What is the role of government?* How does an economy work?James Gwartney, Richard L. Stroup, and Dwight R. Lee are three of the most prominent ... [selengkapnya]
| 278. |
| | Dahsyatnya Kekuatan Jejaring Sosial Mengubah Hidup Kita oleh James H. Fowler, Ph.D., Nicholas A. Christakis, M.D., Ph.D. *** Out of Print *** Connected memperlihatkan fenomena menarik tentang apa pengaruh jejaring sosial terhadap hidup kita. Pengaruh ini sebagian besar tanpa kita sadari membentuk diri dan kehidupan kita. Misalnya, tanpa disadari ternyata orang-orang yang berbahagia biasanya berkumpul dengan orang-orang yang berbahagia ... [selengkapnya]
| 279. |
| | oleh James H. Gilmore, B. Joseph, II Pine *** Out of Print *** Contrived. Disingenuous. Phony. Inauthentic. Do your customers use any of these words to describe what you sell or how you sell it? If so, welcome to the club. Inundated by fakes and sophisticated counterfeits, people increasingly see the world in terms of real or fake. They would rather buy ... [selengkapnya]
| 280. |
| | oleh James H. McMillan, Jon F. Wergin *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
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