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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Harr"
Displaying 251 to 260 (of 320 books)

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The Book of Inventions (Book Of...)  - Hard Cover - 2004-09-30
oleh Ian Harrison
*** Out of Print ***


Cantik Luar Dalam  - Soft Cover - 2008-03-00
oleh Ibn Taymiyyah al-Harrani dan Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah
*** Out of Print ***
Inilah buku yang menghadirkan tema yang amat jarang ditemukan dalam literatur Islam. Cantik Luar Dalam berusaha mengupas tuntas persoalan kecantikan dari berbagai aspeknya. Yang unik, buku ini mengangkat isu kecantikan fisik dan menunjukkan apresiasi Islam terhadapnya, di luar kecantikan ...  [selengkapnya]


Gelas-Gelas Kaca: Tribute to Rinto Harahap  - Soft Cover - 2011-04-29
oleh Izharry Agusjaya Moenzir
*** Out of Print ***
Hidup manusia di dunia sebenarnya bagaikan gelas-gelas kaca, rapuh tidak pernah utuh, ringkih tidak bisa kukuh, wajar tidak bernuansa fantastis, lumrah tidak mencengangkan dan bebercak tidak selalu putih. Kisah yang sangat telanjang ini mungkin akan membuat Anda mengernyit. Betapapun aneh, ganjil, ...  [selengkapnya]


Space Discovery (Magic Skeleton)  - Hard Cover - 2004-02-08
oleh James Harrison
*** Out of Print ***


Gentlemen and Players  - Paperback - 2006-05-06
oleh Joanne Harris
*** Out of Print ***


oleh Judith Harrington
*** Out of Print ***
The Everything Start Your Own Business Book, 2nd Edition has everything you need to start your own business-and keep it running in the black. Completely updated and expertly revised by successful businesswoman Judith B. Harrington, this one-stop resource contains new information on:
...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Keith Harrell
*** Out of Print ***
"It isn't how much you know about maintaining a positive attitude that's important," writes Keith Harrell, formerly one of IBM's top training instructors and now a popular speaker, trainer, and consultant. "It's how well, and how consistently, you put that knowledge to use." In Attitude Is ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Keith Harrell
*** Out of Print ***
Anda sebal karena sikap rekan sekerja yang menyebalkan? Anda kesal karena sikap atasan/bawahan yang susah diatur? Atau Anda sendiri merasa sulit mengubah sikap buruk Anda? Ingat: Sikap Anda hari ini menentukan masa depan Anda! Buku ini menawarkan 10 langkah untuk mengubah hidup Anda menjadi ...  [selengkapnya]


A Fistful of Charms (Rachel Morgan, Book 4)  - Mass Market Paperback - 2006-01-07
oleh Kim Harrison
*** Out of Print ***

The evil night things that prowl Cincinnati despise witch and bounty hunter Rachel Morgan. Her new reputation for the dark arts is turning human and undead heads alike with the intent to possess, bed, and kill her -- not necessarily in that order.

Now a mortal lover who abandoned ...  [selengkapnya]


Dates From Hell  - Mass Market Paperback - 2006-01-04
oleh Kim Harrison, Lynsay Sands, Kelley Armstrong, Lori Handeland
*** Out of Print ***

She thought her date was out of this world.
Actually, he was not of this world . . .

We've all been on bad dates, nightmare dates, dreadful experiences that turned out to be uniquely memorable in the very worst way. But at least our partners for these detestable ...  [selengkapnya]

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How to Win Friends & Influence People
This grandfather of all people-skills books was first published in 1937. It was an overnight hit, eventually selling 15 million copies. How to Win Friends and Influence People is just as ...   
