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Intelijen  - Hard Cover - 2013-04-00
oleh Hario Kecik
Rp 135.000      Rp 108.000
Akhirnya saya Pemutuskan untuk menulis tentang "Intelijen dalam SejaraHi Modern Indonesia".

Kisah ini merupakan memoar yang saya batasi waktunya setelab Proklamasi Republik Indonesia bulan Agustus 1945, sampai sekitar Peristiwa 17 Okober 1952,

Saya hanya ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Leon Gordis MD MPH DrPH
Rp 577.500      Rp 519.750
Esta obra es un recurso excelente para que estudiantes y residentes aprendan los aspectos fundamentales de la Epidemiologia y se introduzcan en el abordaje epidemiologico de los problemas relativos a la salud y la enfermedad. Presenta los principios y metodos basicos de la Epidemiologia junto a ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Dr Joan Stanley
Rp 726.000      Rp 653.400
The 3rd Edition of this AJN Book-of-the-Year Award winner prepares graduate nurses to meet the challenges of practice today and to take leadership roles in the future. From its historical roots to contemporary concerns and trends, the author traces the development of the advanced practice ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Lucille Joel
Rp 852.500      Rp 767.250
AJN Book of the Year 2009 Noted nursing professionals and educators share their expertise...on the evolution of the APN s role from a historical perspective to the present, the non-clinical knowledge necessary for professional success, and future issues and challenges.  [selengkapnya]


oleh Dr Rose Kearney-Nunnery
Rp 660.000      Rp 594.000
Advance your career to the next level of professional practice with the guidance you ll find in the New Edition of this popular text. Here are all the concepts you need to progress from RN to BSN and beyond from new and timely topics such as quantum physics and genomics and how they are ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Margaret Colyar, Cynthia Ehrhardt
Rp 913.000      Rp 821.700
Here is a collection of the procedures most commonly performed by adult and family nurse practitioners in the ambulatory care setting. Written in an easy-to-understand style, it offers step-by-step instructions with rationales, illustrations, and clinical tips. A handy reference tool for the ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Dr Jean Watson
Rp 621.500      Rp 559.350
Written by the leading expert in caring science, this book presents Jean Watson s expanded view of the emerging field of caring science as it complements the dominant curing science for health professionals. The framework focuses on the philosophical, theoretical, ethical, and core knowledge of ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Diane K. Whitehead, Sally A. Weiss, Ruth M. Tappen
Rp 488.400      Rp 439.560
Two books in one, for the price of one all the issues and trends content your students need, plus leadership and management content. As the nursing shortage grows, nurses find themselves in leadership and management roles and more involved in workplace issues. The 5th Edition of this popular ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Dr Patricia Beare, Dr Mickey Stanley
Rp 715.000      Rp 643.500
Retaining its practical, clinically oriented approach, the 3rd edition covers a wide range of topics and issues necessary to deal with the older patient, in a succinct format that can be used in a variety of courses covering gerontological nursing. The book introduces the concept of "successful ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Dr Rhonda Keen-Payne, Mildred Hogstel, Linda Curry
Rp 528.000      Rp 475.200
This information-packed, easy-to-use pocket guide serves both as a reference for nurses working in clinical settings and as a student text for programs that offer condensed coverage of health assessment in lieu of a more comprehensive, more expensive book. Organized by body systems, the focus of ...  [selengkapnya]

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23 Episentrum
Tiga anak muda mengejar dan menemukan profesi yang didamba.

Matari, mengejar penghasilan untuk membayar utang kuliah dan menjalani hidup sebagai reporter.

Awan, seorang ...   
