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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Son"
Displaying 1711 to 1720 (of 2321 books)

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oleh Jerry Porras, Stewart Emery, Mark Thompson
*** Out of Print ***
A Note from Sir Richard Branson
Richard Branson is best known for his successful Virgin brand, encompassing everything from a record label, a chain of music retail stores, Virgin Atlantic Airlines, and more. In September, 2006, Branson agreed ...  [selengkapnya]


Cozy Atmospheres and Interiors (Cozy)  - Hard Cover - 2005-06-30
oleh Jessica Lawson
*** Out of Print ***
Full of images of enchanted atmospheres, this book celebrates homes that make people feel comfortable from the moment they enter them. Profiled are places where one feels at ease, suddenly able to breathe deeper and invaded with the sensation of something familiar or long desired. The basic ...  [selengkapnya]


Cozy Interiors (Cozy)  - Hard Cover - 2002-09-00
oleh Jessica Lawson
*** Out of Print ***


The Cook's Book  - Hard Cover - 2005-09-29
oleh Jill Norman, Charlie Trotter, Peter Gordon, Antonio Piccinardi, Paul Gayler, Tetsuya Wakuda, David Thompson
*** Out of Print ***
If you have somehow never cooked and yet want to, there's always that troublesome problem of where to begin. Fortunately, The Cook's Book, edited by Jill Norman and published by those masters of how-to books, Dorling Kindersley, has answered that question in over 600 glorious pages. With ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Jim Adamson
*** Out of Print ***
Before 1991, most people thought of Denny's as a place to get lots of food--especially breakfast food--for little money. But that year, the restaurant chain became the symbol of continuing racism in America as tale after tale emerged of abominable treatment of black customers. The most famous ...  [selengkapnya]


Cutting Edge Advertising  - Paperback - 2007-09-19
oleh Jim Aitchison
*** Out of Print ***


oleh Jim Aitchison
*** Out of Print ***
The first definitive sourcebook and compilation of 100 best advertising campaigns in Asia.
* The wide spectrum of campaigns will offer valuable business tools for easy side-by-side product comparison.
* Divided into 15 specific product or services to cater to a wide variety of marketers.  [selengkapnya]


Come and See I  - Soft Cover - 2006-01-00
Untuk 5 - 8 thn
oleh Jing Yin, Ken Hudson
*** Out of Print ***
Come and See berarti �Datang dan Lihatlah�, berasal dari istilah Pali: �Ehipassiko�. Come and see (buku pertama) menyuguhkan pengantar mengenai Tiga Permata, yaitu Buddha, Dhamma, dan Sangha. Ketiganya merupakan tiga pilar ajaran Buddha. Buku ini juga memuat sepuluh cerita Buddhis pilihan yang ...  [selengkapnya]


Come and See I & II  - Soft Cover - 2009-04-00
oleh Jing Yin, Ken Hudson
*** Out of Print ***


Come & See I  - Soft Cover - 2006-01-00
oleh Jing Yin, Ken Hudson, Yanfeng Liu
*** Out of Print ***
Buku ini adalah buku pertama dari dua buku tentang ajaran Buddha yang dirancang khusus untuk anak-anak berusia 5-8 tahun. Tujuan utama penyusunan buku ini adalah untuk membantu anak-anak mengenal dengan lebih baik tentang sejarah kehidupan Buddha, ajaran-Nya, serta sejarah perkembangan ajaran ...  [selengkapnya]

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Tidak ada yang tidak bisa
Buku ini merupakan karya ketiga Dahlan Iskan, Menteri BUMN, yang bicara tentang kisah tragis Karmaka ternyata lebih tragis daripada dirinya. Sudah ganti hati, ternyata masih ganti ginjal dan berupaya ...   
