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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Son"
Displaying 1611 to 1620 (of 2321 books)

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The Smart Loft  - Hard Cover - 2003-01-11
oleh James Grayson Trulove
*** Out of Print ***

What makes a loft smart? This book presents the extraordinary designs of recently completed lofts that highlight three kinds of smart solutions. Through smart technology, a variety of electronic devices attend to your needs while in the loft, and carry on a variety of necessary functions while ...  [selengkapnya]


PreFab Now  - Hard Cover - 2007-01-09
oleh James Grayson Trulove, Ray Cha
*** Out of Print ***

An in-depth look at state-of-the-art prefabricated and modular homes—the most popular, economical, and stylish options in housing today

PreFab Now explores the best prefabricated houses on the market today worldwide and addresses the advantages ...  [selengkapnya]


Space Discovery (Magic Skeleton)  - Hard Cover - 2004-02-08
oleh James Harrison
*** Out of Print ***


oleh James L. Swanson
*** Out of Print ***

The Greatest Manhunt in American History

For 12 days after his brazen assassination of Abraham Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth was at large, and in Manhunt, historian James L. Swanson tells the vivid, fully documented tale ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh James M. Robinson
*** Out of Print ***

The discovery of a previously lost Gospel of Judas Iscariot has electrified the Christian community. What Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John tell us about Judas, the disciple who betrayed Jesus, is inconsistent and biased. Therefore, the revelation of an ancient gospel that portrays this ...  [selengkapnya]


1st to Die: A Novel  - Mass Market Paperback - 2002-01-02
oleh James Patterson
*** Out of Print ***
The Women's Murder Club pits four San Francisco women professionals against a serial killer who's stalking and murdering newlyweds in bestselling author James Patterson's newest thriller. Lindsay Boxer is a homicide inspector who's just gotten some very bad news. She deals with it by immersing ...  [selengkapnya]


5th Horseman, the  - Paperback - 2007-03-00
oleh James Patterson
*** Out of Print ***
It is a wild race against time as Lieutenant Lindsay Boxer and the newest member of the Women's Murder Club, attorney Yuki Castellano, lead an investigation into a string of mysterious patient deaths--and reveal a hospital administration determined to shield its reputation at all costs. And while ...  [selengkapnya]


Awal Mula Segalanya - Cradle and All  - Soft Cover - 2007-06-00
oleh James Patterson
*** Out of Print ***
Berbagai bencana melanda kota-kota di dunia. Wabah penyakit, kekeringan, kelaparan, banjir, dan berbagai malapetaka lain. Semuanya menandai kemungkinan datangnya bencana yg lebih besar. Di Boston, gadis muda ditemukan hamil dalam keadaan perawan. Di Irlandia, seorang gadis muda juga mengalami ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh James Patterson
*** Out of Print ***


Buku Harian Suzanne untuk Nicholas  - Soft Cover - 2002-01-00
oleh James Patterson
*** Out of Print ***
Katie Wilkinson akhirnya menemukan pujaan hati yang dicarinya selama ini. Tapi pada suatu hari kekasihnya itu menghilang dari kehidupannya dengan hanya meninggalkan buku harian. Buku harian itu berupa serangkaian surat cinta yang ditulis seorang ibu muda bernama Suzanne untuk bayi lelakinya, ...  [selengkapnya]

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Pembaca buku-buku Karen Armstrong telah mengenal sosoknya sebagai profesor yang piawai menguraikan pelik sejarah agama-agama dalam bahasa yang mudah dicerna. Mantan biarawati ini telah menulis 22 ...   
