Sinopsis Buku: The Women's Murder Club pits four San Francisco women professionals against a serial killer who's stalking and murdering newlyweds in bestselling author James Patterson's newest thriller. Lindsay Boxer is a homicide inspector who's just gotten some very bad news. She deals with it by immersing herself in her newest case and soliciting the personal as well as professional support of her closest friend, who happens to be the city's medical examiner. The two women, along with an ambitious and sympathetic reporter and an assistant DA, form an unlikely alliance, pooling their information and bypassing the chain of command in an engaging, suspenseful story whose gruesome setup is vintage Patterson. "What is the worst thing anyone has ever done?" the killer muses to himself early in the narrative. "Am I capable of doing it? Do I have what it takes?" Answering his own question, he embarks on a murderous spree that takes him from the bridal suite in a Nob Hill hotel to a honeymoon destination in the Napa Valley and thence to a wedding reception at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland, Ohio. Dispatching his victims on the happiest day of their lives, he purposefully leaves enough clues for his distaff trackers to discover his identity and put him behind bars. But just when the women think they've got the case all wrapped up, the killer turns the tables on them in a bloody denouement that even the most discerning reader won't see coming. Patterson, author of the popular Alex Cross mysteries, promises future adventures for the Women's Murder Club, which may give him an opportunity to develop his heroines' characters more completely and win new fans among those who prefer their detectives in high heels and lipstick. --Jane Adams
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| Tentang Pengarang:
 James Patterson lahir tahun 1947 di Newburgh, New York. Ia lulus dengan predikat summa cum laude berbekal gelar MA Bahasa Inggris dari Vanderbilt University, lalu meniti kariernya pada tahun 1971 sebagai junior copywriter di perusahaan periklanan J.Walter Thompson. Sejak itu kariernya melesat pada usia 39 tahun Patterson menjadi direktur kreatif termuda dalam sejarah perusahaan tersebut. Pada usia 27 tahun ia menerbitkan karya pertamanya, The Thomas Berryman Number, yang berhasil meraih penghargaan Edgar Award untuk kategori Best First Novel. Sejak saat itu ia telah menulis beberapa novel, tapi nasibnya berubah dalam semalam tatkala Aling Came A Spider dipublikasikan pada tahun 1993, memperkenalkan detektif/psikolog kulit hitam, Alex Cross. "Novel-novel Alex Cross adalah tentang mimpi ... [ selengkapnya]
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