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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Son"
Displaying 1361 to 1370 (of 2321 books)

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oleh Chris Anderson
*** Out of Print ***


Wild Animals  - Paperback - 2006-02-03
oleh Chris Gibson
*** Out of Print ***


The Essential Guide to Woodwork  - Hard Cover - 2002-08-09
oleh Chris Simpson
*** Out of Print ***
With a unique blend of accessible practical advice and original exciting projects, Essential Guide to Woodwork is the definitive reference for all woodwork enthusiasts. Twenty-nine projects are included, fully illustrated with informative text that will enable you to furnish your house with a ...  [selengkapnya]


Jangan Pernah Jadi Malaikat  - Soft Cover - 2010-04-11
Dari Dwifungsi "Penguasaha" Intrik Politik, Sampai "Rekening Gendut"
oleh Christianto Wibisono
*** Out of Print ***
Motif tindak korupsi saat ini sudah bukan lagi soal kebutuhan hidup, melainkan KERAKUSAN GAYA HIDUP PREDATOR. Inilah pola tingkah laku kebanyakan elite politik dan pemerintahan Indonesia sekarang. Mulai dari mereka yang duduk di jenjang karier paling awal sampai elite teras lembaga tinggi ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Christine Gibson, Amy S. Hansen
*** Out of Print ***

Extreme Natural Disasters features catastrophic volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and other extreme acts of nature. Inside you will find facts on the worst and deadliest of these events—including the scientific explanations behind them—and encounter stories of ...  [selengkapnya]


450 Gram  - Soft Cover - 2009-05-00
Perjuangan Bayi Prematur Menghirup Napas Kehidupan
oleh Christine Gleason
*** Out of Print ***
Di dalam boks itu terlihat sesosok bayi sangat kecil yang tersambung dengan kabel dan selang yang panjangnya terlihat seperti bermil-mil. Bayi itu masih berusia 24 minggu saat dilahirkan. Ia menderita sekian banyak komplikasi yang rasanya tak mungkin tertanggungkan untuk bayi prematur sepertinya. ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Chuck Thompson
*** Out of Print ***
From Bangkok to Bogot, a hilarious behind-the-brochures tour of picture-perfect locales, dangerous destinations, and overrated hellholes from a guy who knows the truth about travel Travel writer, editor, and photographer Chuck Thompson has spent more than a decade traipsing through thirty-five (and ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Clarissa Dickson Wright, Johnny Scott
*** Out of Print ***
Combining the cooking flair of Two Fat Ladies’ Clarissa Dickson Wright and the knife–wielding skills of Johnny Scott, this recipe–laden book shows you how to perfectly roast and carve meat, poultry, game, and fish.  [selengkapnya]


oleh Claudia Eliason, Loa Jenkins
*** Out of Print ***


Project Management  - Paperback - 2005-01-05
oleh Clifford F. Gray, Erik Larson
*** Out of Print ***
Essential reading for passing the Certified Project Manager exam!

The First Book to Combine Operational and Human Skills into a Flexible, Proactive Project Management Framework

The ability to effectively manage projects is a, if not the, key skill for managers in today's bare-bones, ...  [selengkapnya]

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Aku tidak tahan berada dekat dengan Daemon, dia memang keren, tinggi dan memiliki mata hijau yang mempesona, tapi Daemon benar-benar menyebalkan. Sementara saudara kembar Daemon, ...   
