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Bisnis, Manajemen & Keuangan » Marketing & Sales
Displaying 621 to 621 (of 621 books)

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Repositioning Asia  - Hard Cover - 2002-00-00
From Bubble to Sustainable Economy
oleh Hermawan Kartajaya & Philip Kotler

*** Out of Print ***
The authors have combined their expertise and insight to write a book that cuts through the confusion and misinformation about Asia to provide an invaluable guide to local and global companies who ...  [selengkapnya]

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10 Jurus Terlarang: Bisnis Cara Biasa ?
Jurus 1: Mulailah Dengan Yang Kanan Apa relevansi kalimat ini dengan intuisi dan Cashflow Quadrant? Jurus 2: Rancanglah DNA Sedini Mungkin Mengapa seorang pelaku bisnis ...   
