81. | 
| oleh Mark Hyman
*** Out of Print *** No wonder it's so hard to lose weight -- our bodies are designed to keep weight on at all costs; it's a matter of survival. It's embedded in our DNA. Our diet has changed dramatically over the past ... [selengkapnya]
82. | 
| oleh Barbara J. Rolls
*** Out of Print *** Watch for flying pigs: here's a weight-loss plan that's sensible and simple. And for those of you who can only think of bacon when the word "pig" is mentioned, prepare to go hog wild: the Volumetrics ... [selengkapnya]
83. | 
| oleh Barbara J. Rolls, Robert A. Barnett
*** Out of Print *** Do you overeat because you don't feel satisfied or full? Volumetrics is based on "the science of satiety"--what researchers have learned about the food choices that make people feel full. The ... [selengkapnya]
84. | 
| oleh Kathleen F. Phalen
*** Out of Print *** Once considered "alternative," Eastern medicine has gained widespread acceptance by the general public, but it is the blending (or integration) of Eastern healing with Western medicine that is now ... [selengkapnya]
85. | 
| oleh Dan Baker, Cameron Stauth
*** Out of Print *** Dr. Dan Baker, director of the Life Enhancement Program at Canyon Ranch, has devoted his life to teaching people how to be happy. And apparently, most of us could use a little tutoring. Research has ... [selengkapnya]
86. | 
| oleh Barry Sears
*** Out of Print ***
More than two million people worldwide are already experiencing the health and performance benefits of the Zone. Based on the hormonal consequences of food rather than the caloric content, the ... [selengkapnya]
87. | 
| oleh Heidi Murkoff
*** Out of Print *** Books & DVDs Workman Publishing Announcing Eating Well When You're Expecting, providing momsto- be with a realistic approach to navigating healthily and deliciously through the nine months of ... [selengkapnya]
88. | 
| oleh Arlene Eisenberg
*** Out of Print *** Is our baby eating enough? Is this much crying normal? How do I know when she is really sick? This hefty, 671-page guide to your baby's first year is brought to you by the creators of the ... [selengkapnya]
89. | 
| oleh Heidi Murkoff, Sandee Hathaway, Arlene Eisnberg
*** Out of Print *** What to Expect the First Year [selengkapnya]
90. | 
| oleh Arlene Eisenberg, Heidi Murkoff, Sandee Hathaway
*** Out of Print *** They guided you through pregnancy, they guided you through baby's first year, and now they'll guide you through the toddler years. In a direct continuation of What to Expect When You're Expecting ... [selengkapnya]