1621. | 
| oleh Elizabeth Haydon
*** Out of Print ***
The Assassin King opens at winter's end with the arrival by sea of a mysterious hunter, a man of ancient race and purpose, who endlessly chants the names of the pantheon of ... [selengkapnya] |
1622. | 
| oleh Barbara Taylor Bradford
*** Out of Print *** The new blockbuster from one of the world's greatest storytellers delves into the life of Emma Harte-the original Woman of Substance-and the ambitious, passionate, and volatile women of the next ... [selengkapnya]
1623. | 
| oleh Milan Kundera
*** Out of Print ***
"A magic curtain, woven of legends, hung before the world," writes Milan Kundera in The Curtain, his fascinating new book on the art of the novel. "Cervantes sent Don Quixote journeying ... [selengkapnya]
1624. | 
| oleh Cathy Hapka
*** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
1625. | 
| oleh Stephen Leather
*** Out of Print ***
Dan Shepherd is used to putting his life on the line—it goes with the territory when you're an undercover cop. Now working for Britain's top antiorganized crime agency, Shepherd is ... [selengkapnya] |
1626. | 
| *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
1627. | 
| oleh Douglas Preston, Lincoln Child
*** Out of Print *** A small Kansas town has turned into a killing ground.Is it a serial killer, a man with the need to destroy?Or is it a darker force, a curse upon the land?Amid golden cornfields, FBI Special Agent ... [selengkapnya]
1628. | 
*** Out of Print *** In this sweeping novel, the Harte women find themselves in the midst of weddings, in the hold of intrigue, and at the crossroads of the old ways and the new. Linnet O'Neill, great-granddaughter of ... [selengkapnya]
1629. | 
| oleh Clive Cussler, Jack Du Brul
*** Out of Print *** The explosive New York Times bestselling Oregon Files series returns!
Juan Cabrillo and the crew of the covert combat ship Oregon have barely escaped a mission on the Congo ... [selengkapnya]
1630. | 
| oleh Alison Penton Harper
*** Out of Print *** Recently widowed but putting a brave face on it all, Helens only problem, it seems, is the imminent arrival of her fortieth birthday, not something she can possibly avoid, ignore, or sulk about with ... [selengkapnya]