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oleh Jorg Imberger
Rp 1.089.000      Rp 980.100
This textbook is designed to introduce the principles of fluid dynamics to students of environmental and aquatic sciences.
  • Introduces the principles of fluid dynamics, follows with simple ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Gareth G. Evans, Judy Furlong
Rp 306.900      Rp 276.210
Environmental Biotechnology: Theory and Applications, 2nd Edition is designed to draw together the microscopic, functional level and the macroscopic, practical applications of ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Barbara Saigo
Rp 330.000      Rp 297.000
"Environmental Science, Ninth Edition", is a comprehensive presentation of environmental science for non-science majors which emphasizes critical thinking, environmental responsibility, and global ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Water Environment Federation
Rp 1.430.000      Rp 1.287.000

The Definitive Guide to Energy Conservation in Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants

Covering both drinking water treatment as well as wastewater, this authoritative guide from the ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Nyle C. Brady
Rp 297.000      Rp 267.300
With an emphasis on the fundamentals, this book explores the important world of soils and the principles that can be used to minimize the degradation and destruction of one of our most important ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Stiling Peter
Rp 302.500      Rp 272.250


oleh Brian R. Moss
Rp 291.500      Rp 262.350
This new edition of an established textbook provides a comprehensive and stimulating introduction to rivers, lakes and wetlands, and was written as the basis for a complete course on freshwater ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh John H. Vandermeer
Rp 880.000      Rp 792.000
Agroecology is the science of applying ecological concepts and principles to the design, development, and management of sustainable agricultural systems. The Ecology of Agroecosystems highlights a ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Manuel Molles
Rp 291.500      Rp 262.350
This introductory general ecology text features a strong emphasis on helping students grasp the main concepts of ecology while keeping the presentation more applied than theoretical. An evolutionary ...  [selengkapnya]


Rp 1.293.600      Rp 1.164.240
This book provides stimulating and timely suggestions about expanding the world food supply to include a variety of minilivestock. It suggests a wide variety of small animals as nutritious food. ...  [selengkapnya]

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Dapatkan tanda tangan dari pengarang Moemoe Rizal. Persediaan terbatas!!! ***** One-two-three-four, we're the best cheers on the floor! Five-six-seven-eight, we're the pretties, ready to ...   
