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Buku Impor » Chemistry
Displaying 31 to 40 (of 120 books)

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oleh David Goldberg
Rp 200.200      Rp 180.180

500 Ways to Achieve Your Best Grades

We want you to succeed on your college chemistry midterm and final exams. That's why we've selected these 500 questions to help you study more ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Louis Theodore, Francesco Ricci
Rp 426.800      Rp 384.120
Part of the Essential Engineering Calculations Series, this book presents step-by-step solutions of the basic principles of mass transfer operations, including sample problems and solutions and their ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Diran Basmadjian
Rp 1.452.000      Rp 1.306.800
Mass transfer along with separation processes is an area that is often quite challenging to master, as most volumes currently available complicate the learning by teaching mass transfer linked with ...  [selengkapnya]


Rp 409.200      Rp 368.280
text book  [selengkapnya]


oleh William H Brown
Rp 352.000      Rp 316.800
This text provides an introduction to organic chemistry for students who require the fundamentals of organic chemistry as a requirement for their major. It is most suited for a one semester organic ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Morris Hein, Scott Pattison, Susan Arena
Rp 477.400      Rp 429.660
The most comprehensive General, Organic, and Biochemistry book available, this tenth edition continues its tradition of a solid development of problem-solving skills, numerous examples and practice ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Marks Pamela S
Rp 290.400      Rp 261.360


Rp 390.500      Rp 351.450
Introduction to Chemistry  [selengkapnya]


oleh Kenneth A. Solen, John Harb
Rp 228.800      Rp 205.920
Students will be led step-by-step through a chemical engineering project that illustrates important aspects of the discipline and how they are connected. At each step, they will be presented with a ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh D G Rao
Rp 220.000      Rp 198.000

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Dapatkan tanda tangan dari pengarang Moemoe Rizal. Persediaan terbatas!!! ***** One-two-three-four, we're the best cheers on the floor! Five-six-seven-eight, we're the pretties, ready to ...   
