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Educational Governance and Administration (6th Edition)

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Educational Governance and Administration (6th Edition) 
oleh: Thomas J. Sergiovanni, Paul Kelleher, Martha M. McCarthy, Frances C. Fowler
> Buku Impor » Education

List Price :   Rp 1.529.000
Your Price :    Rp 1.376.100 (10% OFF)
Penerbit :    Allyn & Bacon
ISBN :    9780205581931
ISBN-13 :    9780205581931
Tgl Penerbitan :    2008-09-22
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    408
Ukuran :    192x236x20 mm
Berat :    739 gram
Tag :    buku impor 3-2
Sinopsis Buku:

The sixth edition of Educational Governance and Administration provides a clear and comprehensive introduction to school finance issues and schools as political systems. Its case-based approachdescriptive studies of how schools work, and  broad look at the historical, political, social contexts that make up this area of study make this book a valuable tool for every aspiring educator, policymaker, and citizen looking for an overview of the current American educational system.


Educational Governance and Administration examines administrative practices with a critical eye and provides a balanced overview of the development of educational administration, taking into account the roles of teachers, students, principals, and superintendents. Extensively revised, the sixth edition contains a completely updated and comprehensive discussion of policy and policy making, as well as the financial and legal challenges that school leaders face. It explores the expanding role of the government in education and leadership, how schools work as political systems, and how administrators balance local, state, and federal influences. This extensively revised  Sixth Edition contains a completely updated and  comprehensive discussion of  policy and policy making, as well as the financial and legal challenges that school leaders face.

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