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The Chinese Metaphysics Compendium

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The Chinese Metaphysics Compendium 
oleh: Joey Yap
> Buku Impor » Spirituality, Inspiration & Astrology

Penerbit :    JY Books Sdn Bhd
Edisi :    Hardcover
ISBN :    983333265X
ISBN-13 :    9789833332656
Tgl Penerbitan :    2008-01-04
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    1078
Ukuran :    226x157x71 mm
Tag :    buku impor
Sinopsis Buku:
Chinese Metaphysics enthusiasts who have pored through piles of formulas and books will agree that materials on this subject are difficult to procure, at best. And at worst, even those with knowledge of the Chinese language and culture are confounded by the cryptic meanings even they have access to such materials.

In view of this and through years of research and hard work Joey Yap has put together the long awaited Chinese Metaphysics Compendium.

This Compendium, with over 1000 pages, is a unique one-volume reference book that aims to richly present all the formulas relating to Feng Shui, BaZi (Four Pillars of Destiny), Zi Wei (Purple Star Astrology), Yi Jing (I-Ching), Qi Men (Mystical Doorways), Ze Ri (Date Selection), Mian Xiang (Face Reading) and other sources of Chinese Metaphysics in the form of easy-to-read tables, diagrams and reference charts. Many of these formulas were once safely guarded secrets of the ancient Masters and were hard to obtain, much less found all in ONE book.

Like all the books published under Joey Yap s Chinese Metaphysics Reference Series, this book is written in a bilingual format with English and original Chinese technical terms and characters. This is designed to facilitate students, master practitioners and teachers in their study, research, practice and teaching of Chinese Metaphysics, true to its original form.

Find all these formulas on the Chinese Metaphysics knowledge known and practiced today, in one ultimate reference book The Chinese Metaphysics Compendium:
- The Essentials of Chinese Metaphysics
- BaZi (Four Pillars of Destiny)
- Zi Wei Dou Shu (Purple Star Astrology)
- Yi Jing (The Science of Probability)
- FengShui (The complete reference to all Classical FengShui Schools and their secret Formulas)
- Mian Xiang (Face Reading)
- Zhang Xiang (Chinese Palm Reading)
- Qi Men Dun Jia (Mystical Doors Method)
- Zi Re (Date Selection)

Comprehensive yet practical, this reference book is guaranteed to be your faithful research companion and your indispensable teaching tool on Chinese Metaphysics. Highly recommended!

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Tentang Pengarang:

Joey Yap is the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics, a global organization devoted to the teaching of Feng Shui, BaZi, Mian Xiang and other Chinese Metaphysics subjects. He is also the Chief Consultant of Yap Global Consulting, an international consulting firm specialising in Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology services and audits.

Joey Yap is the bestselling author of over 30 books on Feng Shui, Chinese Astrology, Face Reading and Yi Jing, many of which have topped the Malaysian and Singaporean MPH bookstores� bestseller lists.

Thousands of students from all around the world have learnt and mastered Classical Feng Shui, Chinese Astrology, and other Chinese Metaphysics subjects through Joey�s structured learning programs, books and online training. Joey ... [selengkapnya]

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