Sinopsis Buku: Joey Yap's information-packed annual Feng Shui guide is back! Feng Shui for 2010 contains complete and authoritative information on the key Feng Shui aspects that will influence your property in the Year the Metal Tiger.
All the essential Feng Shui information for 2010 you need is contained in this guide. Find out the Annual Afflications for 2010 an get a through overview of the Flaying Stars that affect your home an your workplace. Find out how the energies of 2010 affect you personally, and more importanly, what to do to beneft from posotive cycles and avoid the negative setback.
This guide caontans the complete Flaying Star Feng Shui analysis for for all the 8 basic type of houses in 2010, along with an insghtful comentary to enable you to get a tap into the different energies of the 12 monts by using the 12-Month Flaying Star Feng Shui analysis an d the comprehensive guidline on which sectors to use, and which sectors to avoid for Academic Luck, Relationship Luck and Wealth Luck. A room-by-room guide for each of the individual 8 Houses provides you with one of the most comprehensive annual Feng Shui guides available today.
Resensi Buku:
    oleh: Yulianto cover buku ini menarik dengan gambar dan latar belakang yang sesuai dengan nuansa tahun macan,sayang warna yang terlihat di internet kurang adanya warna keemasan dilihat dari judul dan nama pengarang. Untuk warna background sudah cukup menarik memberikan kesan kreatif dari tahun sebelumnya pada umumnya kebanyakan pengarang menulis buku tersebut. Meskipun demikian secara keseluruhan berkategori bagus.
Sinopsis buku yang disampaikan saya berpendapat bahwa setiap individu manusia perlu adanya panduan saja mengenai energi positif dan energi negatif yang dimiliki setiap individu yang dapat mempengaruhi perilakunya sehingga yang negatif harus dihindari dan yang positif perlu dikembangkan dan dan analisis 8 tipe rumah di tahun 2010 sehingga dapat bersikap bagaimana sebaiknya rumah tersebut dapat disesuaikan dengan keselarasan dan keharmonisan dengan alam sehingga rumah tersebut tampak indah.
Apakah buku tersebut sudah mengulas mengenai bidang usaha dan pekerjaan di tahun 2010?
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| Tentang Pengarang:
 Joey Yap is the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics, a global organization devoted to the teaching of Feng Shui, BaZi, Mian Xiang and other Chinese Metaphysics subjects. He is also the Chief Consultant of Yap Global Consulting, an international consulting firm specialising in Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology services and audits.
Joey Yap is the bestselling author of over 30 books on Feng Shui, Chinese Astrology, Face Reading and Yi Jing, many of which have topped the Malaysian and Singaporean MPH bookstores� bestseller lists.
Thousands of students from all around the world have learnt and mastered Classical Feng Shui, Chinese Astrology, and other Chinese Metaphysics subjects through Joey�s structured learning programs, books and online training. Joey ... [ selengkapnya]
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