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Sex on the Brain: 12 Lessons to Enhance Your Love Life

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Sex on the Brain: 12 Lessons to Enhance Your Love Life 
oleh: Daniel G. Md Amen
> Buku Impor » Business, Management & Self Improvement

Penerbit :    Harmony
Edisi :    Hard Cover
ISBN :    0307339076
ISBN-13 :    9780307339072
Tgl Penerbitan :    2007-01-16
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    288
Ukuran :    0x0x0 mm
Tag :    buku impor 1a
Sinopsis Buku:
“The vast majority of love and sex occurs in the brain. Your brain decides who is attractive to you, how to get a date, how well you do on the date, what to do with the feelings that develop, how long those feelings last, when to commit, and how well you do as a partner and a parent. Your brain helps you be enthusiastic in the bedroom or drains you of desire and passion. Your brain helps you process and learn from a breakup or makes you vulnerable to depression or obsession.”

While plastic surgeons, diet gurus, and the pharmaceutical industry may have convinced you that they hold the secret to a fulfilling sex life, the truth is that you already have the only thing you really need: a brain. As the largest and most sensitive sexual organ in the body, a healthy human brain enhances your sex life and heightens sensation. A troubled brain, however, makes emotional and physical connection with others difficult. So forget the implants, the fad diets, and the pills. Learning about this intriguing and sexy organ is the key to your sexual satisfaction.

Based on Dr. Daniel Amen’s latest research in practical neuroscience, Sex on the Brain shares 12 lessons that help you enhance your love and sex lives through understanding and improving brain function. Filled with practical suggestions and information on how sex can save your life, Sex on the Brain reveals:

• How sex helps prevent heart disease, improve memory, stave off cancer, and boost your immune system
• How the differences between men’s and women’s brains affect our perceptions and interest in sex—and how you can understand these differences to make the most of the opportunities with your partner
• Why breakups hurt so much, and what you can do to ease the pain
• Surefire techniques to fix common problems—depression, PMS, ADD—that get in the way of good sex
• How to make yourself unforgettable to your partner

Everyone wants to know how to improve his or her love life, but so few of us understand the integral role that the brain plays in getting us in the mood, keeping us excited about our partner, and helping us achieve greater satisfaction. Sex on the Brain explains everything, showing you how use your brain to create a healthy, happy, and hot sex life.

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