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Entrepreneur's Book Of Checklists: 1000 Tips To Help You Start & Grow Your Business

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Entrepreneur's Book Of Checklists: 1000 Tips To Help You Start & Grow Your Business 
oleh: Robert Ashton
> Buku Impor » Business, Management & Self Improvement

Penerbit :    Prentice Hall Business Publishing
Edisi :    Paperback
ISBN :    0273694391
ISBN-13 :    9780273694397
Tgl Penerbitan :    2004-12-31
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    216
Ukuran :    0x0x0 mm
Tag :    buku impor 1a
Sinopsis Buku:
Whether you've recently started a business, or are still thinking about it, suddenly everything is down to you. Here's the book to help you think of everything - and do the right thing at the right time. It's the book of lists that no business can afford to start up without....

The Entrepreneur's Book of Checklists is not written to be read from cover to cover, more to become an invaluable source of reference at every stage of the small business journey. As important as an evangelist's bible, or a car mechanic's workshop manual, this book will be used, heavily bookmarked and become a much worn friend.

Use the index and chapter summaries to find your way to the checklist you need today. Then, keep the book by your desk, bed or armchair and refer to it whenever doubt or choice confronts you. Packed with examples of businesses that started up just like you, everyone who contributed to this book wants you to succeed as they have done. The Entrepreneur's Book of Checklists is your first step to joining their success.

Resensi Buku:

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Ingin tahu ilmu menjual yang praktis namun ampuh dlm 6 langkah mudah? Anda akan menemukannya dlm buku ini. Selain berisi ilmu menjual yg praktis, ...  [selengkapnya]

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Tentang Pengarang:

Robert Ashton telah memulai tiga bisnis dan menjual dua diantaranya. Dia sangat bergairah dalam urusan bisnis muda dan bagaimana mereka bisa mengubah hidup menjadi lebih baik. Dia memiliki dan mengelola inkubator bisnis yang menjadi inang dari enam bisnis baru dan menginvestasikan waktu, tenaga, dan kadang uang tunai dalam binis baru yang menjanjikan di seluruh inggris. Dia juga seorang penceramah bisnis yang populer, yang berbicara apa adanya, bukan sekadar memberi hiburan.Robert juga aktif berjejaring, senang berhubungan dengan orang dan gagasan untuk kemaslahatan bagi semua yang berkepentingan. Dia juga wali amanah yayasan amal, pembimbing bisnis dalam The Prince`s Trust, dan senang menantang mereka yang mengaku menetapkan aturan-aturannya.Robert seorang wiraswastawan sejati, yang ... [selengkapnya]

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