Sinopsis Buku: The Western cultures esteem analytical skills measured by IQ tests: but there is clearly more to success and happiness, even in technological societies, than IQ alone. Goleman has written one of the best books on the nature and importance of other kinds of intelligence besides our perhaps overly beloved IQ. Recommended.
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 Daniel Goleman, Ph.D., adalah CEO Emotional Intelligence Services di Sudbury, Massachusetts. Selama dua belas tahun ia meliput ilmu-ilmu otak dan tingkah laku bagi The New York Times, dan juga mangajar di Harvard (tempat ia meraih gelar doktornya). Selain Emotional Intelligence, buku-bukunya yang sudah terbit antara lain:1. Vital Lies, Simple Truths The Meditative Mind2. The Creative Spirit, sebagai co-author [ selengkapnya]
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