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The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich

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The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich 
oleh: David Bach
> Buku Impor » Business, Management & Self Improvement

Penerbit :    Broadway
Edisi :    Paperback
ISBN :    0767923820
ISBN-13 :    9780767923828
Tgl Penerbitan :    2005-12-27
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    272
Ukuran :    0x0x0 mm
Tag :    buku impor 1a
Sinopsis Buku:
Despite its sensational title, David Bach's The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich is not a get-rich-quick guide. Rather, the book is a straightforward march through common-sense personal financial planning that suggests readers "automate" their contributions to retirement and investment vehicles. Bach, in fact, calls his model the "tortoise approach" to becoming wealthy by retirement age.

In the early part of the book Bach builds on ideas he established in Smart Women Finish Rich and other bestselling titles. His core principle is that, to succeed, you must "Pay Yourself First." In other words, he suggests using pre-tax retirement accounts (e.g. 401(k)s or IRAs) to set aside a fixed, monthly sum of money before considering what is left for living expenses. The "automatic" part of the title comes from Bach's emphasis on using automated payroll deductions to avoid the temptation of using the money to pay today's bills.

Bach insists that "regardless of the size of your paycheck, you probably already make enough money to become rich." But his claims that his plan requires "no budget, no discipline," is a bit disingenuous. His discussion of the "The Latte Factor" shows that, to find money to start a retirement plan, a person with a modest income needs to make an up-front commitment to stop accruing debt and to reduce spending on such "wasteful" items as lattes and cigarettes.

In the end The Automatic Millionaire does not offer much that is new for readers already familiar with personal finance basics like accelerated mortgage payments, "the miracle of compound interest," and the setting up of emergency funds. But, for those just starting with financial planning, Bach provides a host of resources to put recommendations into action. He walks his readers through such fundamentals as shopping for interest rates, creating a balanced retirement portfolio, and consolidating debt. And Bach's conversational style will make this quick read highly palatable for those daunted by more detailed investment and personal finance titles. --Patrick O'Kelley

Resensi Buku:

Tentang Pengarang:

Sebagai wakil presiden senior sebuah firma pialang, David Bach adalah seorang partner The Bach Group, yang mengelola lebih dari setengah miliar dolar uang investor perorangan. Sebagai pengarang terlaris nasional buku Smart Women Finish Rich, Bach adalah pembawa acara program televisinya sendiri. "Smart Women Finish Rich", yang ditayangkan secara nasional di PBS. Prinsip-prinsip investasinya diajarkan secara nasional melalui lokakarya Smart Women Finish Rich -nya, yang sekarang dibawakan oleh lebih dari 5.000 penasihat keuangan di 1.500 kota dengan lebih dari 100.000 peserta setiap tahunnya. Ia tinggal di San Francisco, California, bersama istrinya Michelle. Silakan kunjungi situs web-nya di [selengkapnya]

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