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Entrepreneurial Small Business

Entrepreneurial Small Business 
Mandatory Package
oleh: Katz
> Bisnis, Manajemen & Keuangan » Manajemen & Leadership
> Textbooks » Universitas » Bisnis » Management

List Price :   Rp 260.000
Your Price :    Rp 221.000 (15% OFF)
Penerbit :    Salemba Empat
Edisi :    Soft Cover
ISBN :    0071108564
ISBN-13 :    9780071108560
Tgl Penerbitan :    2006-00-00
Bahasa :    English
Ukuran :    135x216x0 mm
Sinopsis Buku:
This book is geared to give students a clear vision of small business as it really is today. It focuses on the kinds of businesses that students might actually start, instead of giving information about high growth firms. The goals of the companies described in this text are personal independence with financial security, not market dominance with extreme wealth.

Traditional beliefs and models in small business are discussed, as well as the latest findings and best practices from academic and consulting arenas. ESB recognizes the distinction between entrepreneurs who aim to start the successor to or the pizza place on the corner and focuses on the challenges facing entrepreneurs, while keeping focused on the small businesses they plan to create or enter. Most postsecondary school graduates are now starting small business, not high-growth or high-tech entrepreneurial firms. This book addresses the need to focus on the distinctive nature of small business.

Daftar Isi
Part I Entrepreneurs, Ideas and Plans: The Basis of Small Business
Bab 1 The Heart of Small Business Bab 2 Small Business Ethics: A Key to Long-Term Success Bab 3 Small Business Entrepreneurs: Characteristics and Competencies Bab 4 Creativity, Opportunity, and Feasibility Bab 5 Paths to Part-Time Entrepreneurship Bab 6 Paths of Entry into Small Business Bab 7 Imitation with a Twist: Uniquely Small Business Strategies for Success Bab 8 Business Plans: Seeing Audiences and Your Business Clearly
Part II Marketing in the Small Business
Bab 9 Product and Pricing Bab 10 Promotion: Capturing the Eyes of Your Market Bab 11 Distribution and Location Bab 12 Marketing Plans: Saying How You'll Get Sales
Part III Cash, Accounting, and Finance in the Small Business
Bab 13 Accounting for Small Business Bab 14 Cash: Lifeblood of the Business Bab 15 Finance for Small Business Bab 16 Protection: Handling Risks Using Management and Insurance Bab 17 Assets: Inventory and Operations Management
Part IV Management and Organization in the Small Business
Bab 18 Legal Issues in the Small Business Bab 19 Human Resource Management in the Small Business Bab 20 Achieving Success in the Small Business
Photo Credits Indexes

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