Gavin Menzies Website: http://www.gavinmenzies.net Email: [email protected]
Gavin Menzies (Royal Navy Submarine Commanding Officer, retired) first went to China in 1937, where he spent the first two years of his life.
He joined the Royal Navy in 1953 and served in submarines from 1959 to 1970. As a junior officer he sailed the world in the wake of Columbus, Dias, Cabral and Vasco da Gama. When in command of H.M.S. Rorqual (1968 - 70), he sailed the routes pioneered by Magellan and Captain Cook.
Since leaving the Royal Navy, he has returned to China and the Far East many times, and in the course of researching 1421 he has visited 120 countries, over 900 museums and libraries and every major seaport of the late Middle Ages.
Beberapa buku yang pernah ditulis oleh Gavin Menzies:

�Menzies telah menghadirkan sesuatu yang sama sekali baru ...Ini adalah pernyataan yang mengejutkan.� -- Guardian
�Tesis yang menarik dan sangat persuasif, disampaikan dengan penuh semangat dan energi.� -- Evening Standard
Pada 8 Maret 1421, armada laut ... [selengkapnya]

| oleh Gavin Menzies �Para penjelajah besar Eropa adalah pria berani dan tekun. Tapi mereka tak menemukan apa pun. Magellan bukanlah yang pertama berlayar mengelilingi dunia, sama seperti Columbus bukan yang pertama menemukan benua Amerika. Jadi, kenapa para sejarawan terus menyebarluaskan fantasi ini? Kenapa The Times ... [selengkapnya]
| oleh Gavin Menzies Groundbreaking new discovery!
As detailed in The Economist and recent headline news, Gavin Menzies (author of 1421: The Year China Discovered The World) has recently uncovered a copy of an 18th century map which definitively records the exploits of a Chinese explorer whose ... [selengkapnya]