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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Tony Dungy"
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Luar Biasa  - Soft Cover - 2009-08-00
oleh Tony Dungy
Rp 51.000      Rp 40.800
APA YANG DIBUTUHKAN UNTUK MENJALANI SEBUAH KEHIDUPAN YANG BERARTI? Ketika pelatih Indianapolis Colts Tony Dungy membawa pulang piala di Super Bowl XLI, para penggemar di seluruh dunia memandangnya sebagai lambang keberhasilan. Kemenangan atletik, keahlian yang luar biasa, popularitas dan ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Tony Dungy, Nathan Whitaker
*** Out of Print ***
Tony Dungy's words and example have intrigued millions of people, particularly following his victory in Super Bowl XLI, the first for an African American coach. How is it possible for a coach--especially a football coach--to win the respect of his players and lead them to the Super Bowl without the ...  [selengkapnya]

Justin Bieber: Never Say Never (DVD/Blu-ray Combo)
Justin Bieber: Never Say Never is the inspiring, entertaining and intimate look at the life and meteoric rise of pop phenomenon Justin Bieber. From small town boy to global super-star, Never Say ...   
