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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Tim Berry"
Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 books)


oleh Tim Berry
Rp 297.000      Rp 267.300
An organizational strategy and business plan may begin with an engaging product or service concept. It may end with a creative investment funding strategy. But at its heart, its very core, a business plan must address the fundamental operating principles of management accounting from a pragmatic ...  [selengkapnya]


Europe (Shoestring)  - Paperback - 2009-01-11
oleh Tom Masters, Oliver Berry, David Else, Duncan Garwood, Craig Mclachlan, Leif Pettersen, Tim Richards, Damien Simonis, Ryan Ver Berkmoes, Neil Wilson
*** Out of Print ***
For 20 years Lonely Planet has been the Europe expert. Whether you're soaking up history in Britain or sun in Spain, crossing the Arctic Cirle or cruising the Bosphorus, our 6th edition helps you uncover the continent. Lonely Planet guides are written by experts who get to the heart of every ...  [selengkapnya]

Inspirasi Gaya Jumpsuit untuk Muslimah
Jumpsuit adalah busana terusan blus dan celana panjang yang memiliki bukaan risleting, baik di depan, samping, maupun belakang. Awalnya digunakan sebagai pakaian para pekerja bengkel, tambang, dan ...   
