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Flaps and Grafts in Dermatologic Surgery: Text with DVD, 1e (Book & DVD)

Flaps and Grafts in Dermatologic Surgery: Text with DVD, 1e (Book & DVD) 
oleh: Thomas E. Rohrer MD, Jonathan L. Cook MD, Tri H. Nguyen MD
> Buku Impor » Medicine

List Price :   Rp 1.870.000
Your Price :    Rp 1.683.000 (10% OFF)
Penerbit :    Saunders
ISBN :    1416003169
ISBN-13 :    9781416003168
Tgl Penerbitan :    2008-12-16
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    256
Ukuran :    218x284x20 mm
Berat :    1102 gram
Tag :    buku impor 3-3
Sinopsis Buku:
Authored by experts in the field, this brand-new reference presents a systematic approach to which flap or graft to use in which clinical situation and how to cut and move the skin. More than 350 full-color photographs and line drawings offer you step-by-step guidance. And, a DVD containing high-quality video clips demonstrates reconstructive procedures, including cutting, positioning, and suturing of flaps and grafts.
  • Includes numerous reconstructive options for each specific region of the face, and explains why one may be better than another in a given situation.
  • Features several chapters on the use of flaps and grafts in facial reconstruction and describes the finer points of their design, execution, and application.
  • Discusses complications and pitfalls and how to avoid them.
  • Devotes an entire chapter to facial anatomy with an emphasis on practical landmarks and danger areas.
  • Uses a consistent format throughout for ease of reference.

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