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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Susan Elizabeth Philips"

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Beberapa buku yang mendekati hasil pencarian:

oleh Susan Ronald
*** Out of Print ***

Dubbed the "pirate queen" by the Vatican and Spain's Philip II, Elizabeth I was feared and admired by her enemies. Extravagant, whimsical, and hot-tempered, Elizabeth was the epitome of power. Her visionary accomplishments were made possible by her daring merchants, gifted rapscallion ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Giles Milton
*** Out of Print ***


oleh Rob Shone
Rp 23.000      Rp 19.550
Buku ini berupa komik pengetahuan yang mengisahkan tentang kehidupan ratu inggris pertama, yaitu Elizabeth dan pengaruhnya terhadap kerajaan Inggris kala itu.

oleh MacKenzie Leo Davis
Rp 275.000      Rp 247.500
"Principles of Environmental Engineering" is intended for a course in introductory environmental engineering for sophomore- or junior-level students. The emphasis of this text is on engineering principles rather than on engineering design. Students should understand such calculus topics as ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh MacKenzie Leo Davis
Rp 544.500      Rp 490.050
"Principles of Environmental Engineering" is intended for a course in introductory environmental engineering for sophomore- or junior-level students. The emphasis of this text is on engineering principles rather than on engineering design. Students should understand such calculus topics as ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Carol Pogash
*** Out of Print ***


Kisah Sukses Wikipedia [Clearance Sale]
Saat ini, sulit menggunakan Internet tanpa mengalami persentuhan dengan Wikipedia dalam pencarian dan penjelajahan Internet. Wikipedia telah menjadi sumberdaya Internet dengan manfaat sangat besar ...   
