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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Sunil Chopra"
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oleh Sunil Chopra, Peter Meindl
*** Out of Print ***
The Oval Solid Moulded Outdoor Safety Feet (Pair) are manufactured to fit aluminium box section and timber ladders and are usually more useful outside. The feet will fit a stile width from 28 mm up to 40 mm  [selengkapnya]


Supply Chain Management (Fifth Edition)  - Paperback - 0000-00-00
Strategy, Planning, and Operation
oleh Sunil Chopra, Peter Meindl
*** Out of Print ***
For undergraduate and graduate supply chain management courses. Illustrating the key drivers in effective supply chain management. Supply Chain Management illustrates the key drivers of good supply chain management in order to help students understand what creates a competitive advantage. This text ...  [selengkapnya]

You Are a Brand
"Self-branding adalah usaha memaksimalkan potensi diri untuk meraih kesuksesan. Kendalikan potensi Anda dan ambil alih karier, bisnis, dan hidup Anda sekarang. You Are a Brand mengupas segala ...   
