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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Steven McShane"
Displaying 1 to 3 (of 3 books)


Management  - Paperback - 2007-01-04
oleh Charles W.L. Hill, Steven Lattimore McShane
*** Out of Print ***


Organizational Behavior  - Paperback - 2008-01-24
oleh Mary Ann Von Glinow, Steven Lattimore McShane
*** Out of Print ***
OB knowledge is for everyone not just traditional managers. McShane/VonGlinow believe that everyone who works in and around organizations need to understand and make use of OB knowledge. The new reality is that people in organizations -sales representatives, accountants, technicians, nurses, etc. - ...  [selengkapnya]


Organizational Behavior  - Paperback - 2004-01-04
oleh Steven Lattimore McShane, Mary Ann Von Glinow
*** Out of Print ***
OB knowledge is for everyone not just traditional managers. McShane/VonGlinow believe that everyone who works in and around organizations need to understand and make use of OB knowledge. The new reality is that people in organizations -sales representatives, accountants, technicians, nurses, etc. - ...  [selengkapnya]

Super Girl: Sequel of Perfect Ten [Clearance Sale]
"Kita akan terus menciptakankenangan indah untuk dikenang saat tua nanti." - Cho Jongwoon

"Kau tidak perlu tahu bagaimana aku tahu tentang hubungan kalian. Kau ...   
