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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Steve Cohen"
Displaying 1 to 7 (of 7 books)


oleh Honorio Benzon MD, Srinivasa N. Raja, Scott M. Fishman MD, Spencer Liu MD, Steven P Cohen
Rp 990.000      Rp 891.000
This third edition of Essentials of Pain Medicine offers an accessible and concise, yet complete, overview of today's theory and practice of pain medicine and regional anesthesia. From a review of basic considerations through local anesthetics and nerve block techniques, this book provides the ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Jonathan Cohen M Sc FRCP FRCPath FRCPE FMedSci, William G. Powderly MD, Steven M. Opal MD
Rp 3.245.000      Rp 2.920.500

Infectious Diseases, 3rd edition by Jonathan Cohen, MB, BS, FRCP, FRCPath, FRCPE, FMedSci, William G. Powderly, MD, FRCPI, and Steven M. Opal MD, provides comprehensive, practical, highly visual guidance to help you effectively overcome the latest clinical infectious disease ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Steven R. Cohen MD FACS FAAP, Trevor Born MD MRCS, Mark A Codner MD FACS
Rp 1.760.000      Rp 1.584.000
This volume in the Techniques in Aesthetic Surgery Series gives you the very latest on the hottest areas in facial rejuvenation surgery. Generously illustrated with many color operative photographs, line drawings and cases, the book focuses on the newest techniques and how to use them to get the ...  [selengkapnya]


Indonesia (Lonely Planet Travel Guides)  - Paperback - 0000-00-00
New Cover
oleh Ryan Ver Berkmoes, Celeste Brash, Muhammad Cohen, Mark Elliott, Trent Holden, Guyan Mitra, John Noble, Adam Skolnick, Lain Stewart, Steve Waters
*** Out of Print ***
With a Lonely Planet guidebook you'll get the best out of your Indonesian trip. Our 9th edition of Indonesia will take you to the best beaches and bars in Bali, through lush paddy fields in Sumatra, diving with turtles off the Gilis in Lombok and to a traditional dance in Ubud.


oleh Steve Cohen
*** Out of Print ***
Dalam Memukau Audiensi dengan Pengaruh dan Karisma, Steve Cohen menyajikan kepada pembaca apa yang mereka caripelajaran langkah demi langkah mengenai berbagai teknik presentasi dan interaksi personal yang semua pesulap ulung gunakan untuk menciptakan ilusi. Sulap itu lebih dari sekadar ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Steve Cohen, Laurie Werner, Ute Vladimir, Deborah Williams, Claire Walter, Herbert L. Hiller
*** Out of Print ***


oleh Steven Cohen
*** Out of Print ***


The business world turns on the art of the deal. And with Negotiate Your Way to Success, you'll master 24 powerful strategies designed to help you conduct negotiations of any type. This easy-to-read guide ...  [selengkapnya]

Rumah di Seribu Ombak
Tahukah kau mengapa Tuhan menciptakan langit dan laut? Semata agar kita tahu, dalam perbedaan, ada batas yang membuat mereka tampak indah dipandang.

Aku melihat lagi langit di atas ...   
