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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Stephen Williams"

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Beberapa buku yang mendekati hasil pencarian:

oleh Christina Lissmann
*** Out of Print ***


oleh Patrick W. Tank, Thomas R. Gest
Rp 533.500      Rp 480.150

Featuring more than 750 new, modern images, the Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Atlas of Anatomy is a vibrantly colored regional atlas of human anatomy offering an unprecedented combination of visual aesthetic appeal and anatomical accuracy. Many student-friendly features set this ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh John Schorge, Joseph Schaffer, Lisa Halvorson, Barbara Hoffman, Karen Bradshaw, F. Cunningham
Rp 869.000      Rp 782.100

The first guide to bridge the gap between medical and surgical gynecology

A Doody's Core Title

Written by clinicians from the same department of Obstetrics and Gynecology responsible for the landmark bestseller Williams Obstetrics, this full-color text ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Barbara Hoffman, John Schorge, Joseph Schaffer, Lisa Halvorson, Karen Bradshaw, F. Cunningham
Rp 1.023.000      Rp 920.700

The only gynecology resource that combines a full-color text and a procedural atlas—revised and updated

Part medical text, part surgical atlas, Williams Gynecology is written by the renowned team of ob-gyn clinicians at Dallas’ Parkland Hospital who are responsible for the ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh A. E. Fitzgerald
Rp 228.800      Rp 205.920
The exciting new sixth edition of "Electric Machinery" has been extensively updated while retaining the emphasis on fundamental principles and physical understanding that has been the outstanding feature of this classic book. This book covers fundamental concepts in detail as well as advanced ...  [selengkapnya]

Guru Paling Laris Yang Mengajarkan Efektivitas Profesional
oleh Robert Heller
Rp 77.000      Rp 57.750

oleh J. P. McEvoy
*** Out of Print ***

Introducing Stephen Hawking is a brilliantly conceived introduction to Hawking's work, ranging from Einstein's Theory of Relativity to Black Holes and the Big Bang. It also explains Hawking's research into Quantum Gravity, which could emerge as a Theory of Everything.  [selengkapnya]

oleh Ahn, Hyeong-mo
Rp 85.000      Rp 72.250
Sebagai seorang remaja yang memiliki impian besar, maka temuilah orang-orang yang berhasil mewujudkan impian mereka dan dengarkanlah dengan seksama kisah hidup mereka. ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh James Robert Parish
*** Out of Print ***

Stephen King adalah salah seorang novelis paling populer di dunia. Bukunya telah terjual jutaan eksemplar, diterjemahkan ke dalam 33 bahasa, dan telah diadaptasi ke banyak film layar lebar dan layar kaca. Sejak muda, mencurahkan hidupnya untuk menulis, King gigih dalam upayanya untuk menerbitkan ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh YeaRimDang
Rp 75.000      Rp 63.750

STEPHEN HAWKING (1942-~) Anggota termuda dari Royal Society pada tahun 1974, pada tahun 1979 dilantik sebagai The Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at The University of Cambridge serta fisikawan universe yang sehebat Einstein, Newton, dan Galileo. Hawking lahir di Oxford, Inggris tahun ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Stephen R Covey
*** Out of Print ***

"Seberapa berbedanya hidup kita apabila kita tahu apa yang benar-benar penting bagi kita; dan dengan terus mengingat gambaran tersebut, kita mengelola hidup kita tiap hari untuk menjadi dan melakukan apa yang benar-benar utama."

"Hidup, mencintai, tertawa, meninggalkan ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Stephen T. Thornton
Rp 317.900      Rp 286.110

oleh Stephen Coonts, Jim DeFelice
*** Out of Print ***

In a secluded headquarters on the other side of the globe a terrorist mission is underway-a plan to set-off an underwater explosion so great, and with such hellish force, that it could shift the very foundation of the earth's surface causing untold calamity and world-wide disaster. The terrorists ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Stephen Coonts, Jim DeFelice
*** Out of Print ***

RECRUITED:A crack team of cover agents.Word is out to ex-Marine sniper Charlie Dean and his team of the National Security Agency: Infiltrate the highest stratum of Peruvian political power and derail a renegade general from acing an election. All Dean has to do is find a way inside an impenetrable ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Stephen Coonts, Jim DeFelice
*** Out of Print ***

Dr. James Kegan, a world-renowned scientist specializing in germ warfare, has vanished from his upstate New York home. But this is no ordinary missing-persons case. Kegan has left behind an unidentified dead man with a .22 caliber hole in his skull-and a contact trail that leads to an alleged ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Stephen Coonts, Jim DeFelice
*** Out of Print ***

The word's most effective anti-terrorist force has the tools to monitor every move the enemy makes. They've planted a listening device inside a terrorist's skull, and activated a video spy drone disguised as a bird. But knowing is only half the battle... Multi-lingual, nerves-of-steel agents ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Stephen King
*** Out of Print ***


oleh Kitty O. Locker
Rp 264.000      Rp 237.600
A unique approach to a hands-on course, written by the same author of Business and Administrative Communication, this completely new approach is devised and created with the assistance of a community college colleague. The innovative module structure allows instructors to focus on specific skills ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Stephen Leather
*** Out of Print ***


oleh Robert Heller
Rp 65.000      Rp 48.750

Rumah di Seribu Ombak
Tahukah kau mengapa Tuhan menciptakan langit dan laut? Semata agar kita tahu, dalam perbedaan, ada batas yang membuat mereka tampak indah dipandang.

Aku melihat lagi langit di atas ...   
