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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Slavin"
Displaying 1 to 4 (of 4 books)


oleh Robert E Slavin
Rp 105.000      Rp 89.250


Psikologi Pendidikan edisi 9 Jilid 1  - Soft Cover - 2011-09-00
oleh Slavin
Rp 110.000      Rp 93.500


Psikologi Pendidikan edisi 9 Jilid 2  - Soft Cover - 2011-09-00
oleh Slavin
Rp 115.000      Rp 97.750


Economics - 2008-01-10
oleh Stephen L. Slavin
Rp 269.500      Rp 242.550
This clearly written guide to basic micro- and macro-economic principles presents its material in the traditional programmed learning style of the STG series. May serve as the main text for a review of basic economics or as a supplement to first-year economics courses. Provides a useful review of ...  [selengkapnya]