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Hasil Pencarian untuk "S. L. Linnea"
Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 books)


Beyond Eden  - Mass Market Paperback - 2007-02-10
oleh S. L. Linnea
*** Out of Print ***
A young book editor stumbles up from the site of a bombing in the London subway. He accepts a woman’s offer of help and a hot cup of tea. He’s never heard from again...A group of boys in upstate New York goes sledding. One doesn’t come home...A military convoy approaches ...  [selengkapnya]


Chasing Eden  - Mass Market Paperback - 2007-05-29
oleh S.L. Linnea
*** Out of Print ***
Modern-day Iraq: During a raging sandstorm in a war zone, army chaplain Jaime Richards is shocked to be reunited with her old friend Adara Dunbar—and devastated when, in the midst of an ambush, a black-robed man murders Adara in cold blood. But not before she delivers a final ...  [selengkapnya]

Korean Pop melanda dunia! Siapa sih yang nggak kenal SUJU, SNSD, SHINee, atau Wonder Girls? Yup, mereka emang lagi eksis banget di tengah hallyu alias gelombang Korea saat ini. Tapi tahukah kamu ...   
