Hasil Pencarian untuk "ROBIN GRAHAM"
Displaying 1 to 3 (of 3 books)
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Rp 210.000 Rp 157.500 Edisi kedelapan Lecture Notes: Dermatologi ini menitikberatkan pada pengetahuan-pengetahuan dasar yang diperlukan oleh mahasiswa kedokteran dan dokter muda. Dengan didukung banyak gambar ilustrasi berwarna dan gaya penulisan yang mudah dipahami, buku ini [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh Robin Graham-Brown BSc MBBS FRCP FRCPCH, Johnny Bourke MD MRCPI Cork, Tim Cunliffe MBBS MRCGP
Rp 550.000 Rp 495.000 This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. Endorsed by the Royal College of General Practitioners, London, for postgraduate dermatology training, DERMATOLOGY: FUNDAMENTALS OF PRACTICE helps with the diagnosis of skin symptoms using history, ... [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh Owen Epstein MB BCh FRCP, G. David Perkin BA MB FRCP, John Cookson MD FRCP, Ian S. Watt BSc MB ChB MPH FFPH, Roby Rakhit BSc MD FRCP, Andrew W. Robins MB MSc MRCP FRCHCH, Graham A. W. Hornett BA MA MB BChir FRCGP *** Out of Print *** This handy, well illustrated guide covers all aspects of patient examination. Carry this practical text with you so you can review the questions you should include as part of your history taking, the examination techniques you should use for different body systems and the presenting signs of common ... [selengkapnya]
Beyond Motivation
Jika seseorang melakukan kebaikan karena adanya perintah tentang kebaikan, apakah perilaku itu tetap disebut kebaikan? Jika seseorang tidak korupsi karena adanya larangan agama agar manusia tidak ...